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100+ Design Topics to Write About on Your Design Blog

58 Topics to write about on your design blog
Table of ContentsUpdated Jan 29, 2024

Whether you’re starting your own design blog, or need design topics to write about on other design blogs as a guest blogger, thinking of original graphic design blog topics can be a real struggle.

Sure there are the obvious design topics to talk about, but what can you do after you’ve used up all your best design blog ideas and you still need more?

That’s why, today, I’m sharing this giant list of design topics. I hope it will come in handy for you now and in the future—anytime you’re not sure what to write about. I suggest you bookmark it to come back regularly any time you need fresh new graphic design blog topics.

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The list is broken up into a few different categories of various design topics, which you can navigate using the table of contents below:


Graphic design topics:

Of all the design topics, the most frequently requested segment we get is for graphic design blog ideas.

We’ll start here with some of our best graphic design blog topics to talk about on your blog:

  • How to [accomplish task] in Adobe Illustrator (eg. trace an image, blend two shapes, etc.)
  • How to use the [tool of choice] in Adobe Photoshop (eg. selection tool, pen tool, etc.)
  • How much does a graphic designer make?
  • What does a graphic designer do every day?
  • # Sites for graphic design inspiration
  • How to get hired as a graphic designer
  • Where can I find graphic design jobs?
  • Which graphic design schools are best?
  • # Attributes of successful graphic designers
  • Why you should become a graphic designer
  • Where can I work as a graphic designer?
  • Who are some famous graphic designers?
  • # Places to learn graphic design skills online

Freelance design topics

Of course, not all designers will choose to attend college and then get an agency or corporate job. Some will choose to become a freelance designer and build their own business.

Here are some design topics you could write about related to the art of freelancing:

  • How to send a graphic design proposal
  • How to send a graphic design invoice
  • Where to get freelance graphic design jobs
  • How to start a successful freelance design business
  • How to list freelance design work on your resume
  • What makes a freelance design business profitable
  • Who could be my first freelance design clients?
  • # Reasons you should become a freelance designer
  • How to freelance design on the side of your day job
  • How much does a freelance designer make?
  • # Tips for succeeding as a freelance designer

Web design topic ideas:

Closely related to graphic design topics to talk about on your design blog are web design topics. Where graphic design topics discuss the visual nature of design, web design blog topics are more related to converting graphic design to coded, online media.

Here are a few web design blog topics to get you started:

  • How to convert a Photoshop design to HTML and CSS
  • What makes a good one-page website design?
  • # One-page HTML templates for quick web design
  • Where can I find web design jobs?
  • How do I get my first web design clients?
  • Is it hard to become a web designer?
  • How much do web designers make?
  • # Famous web designers to learn from
  • Which schools offer web design education programs?
  • Teaching yourself web design vs. Getting a formal web design education
  • # Steps to design your first website

Where web design topics relate to utilizing graphic design in online settings, print design topics relate to ensuring your graphic design is prepared and ready for physical application such as printed marketing material, product labeling, or magazine/layout design.

Here are some print design topics to get you started:

  • # Tips for prepping graphic design files for print application
  • What’s the difference between RGB and CMYK?
  • The # best file types to send to printers
  • How to set proper bleeds on your full-bleed print projects
  • The # biggest differences between print design and web design
  • Is print design dying?
  • The # best tools for high-quality print design
  • Where can I learn high-quality print design lessons online?
  • Do print designers also need to learn web design?
  • How much does a print designer make?
  • # Places to find print design clients

Logo design topics

In addition to web design topics and print design topics, you may want to blog about logo design topics on your blog or elsewhere.

Logo design is unlike other types of graphic design because it involves entirely different design methods and requires an understanding of branding and identity.

  • How to design your first logo in Adobe Illustrator
  • How much should you charge for a logo design?
  • What makes a good logo?
  • What makes a terrible logo?
  • Who will hire me to design their logo?
  • How to get a logo design client with little (or no) experience
  • How much should I charge for a logo?
  • Which questions should I ask before designing a logo?
  • How many options should I send when designing a logo?
  • Why designing a good logo is harder than it looks
  • How long does it take to design a logo?
  • Who will hire me to design a new logo?
  • How to tell a company they need a new logo
  • # Perfect logos to inspire your next logo design project

Even more design topics to talk about

If the broken-out lists of design topics to talk about in this article still aren’t enough to get your ideas flowing, then here are even more design blog ideas to help you.

  • How to use the pen tool in Photoshop
  • How to make money as a designer
  • Where to go to school when learning about design
  • How to treat clients who treat you poorly
  • How to manage design projects
  • Great websites for design inspiration
  • Attributes of successful designers
  • How to create a logo in Illustrator
  • How to design a web page using simple HTML and CSS
  • Turning your static web site into a dynamic content management system
  • How much to charge clients as a new designer
  • How to create a style guide for your brand
  • What to name your design business
  • Common mistakes designers make
  • How to find new clients
  • How to finish projects on time
  • What to do when you can’t find any design work
  • When to work for free and when not to
  • How much to charge for your design services
  • How to build your first wordpress theme
  • How to build your first web site
  • How to run a successful small business
  • Working with other designers
  • How to design your own blog
  • How to use CSS3 or HTML5
  • Jquery tutorials
  • Designing a facebook landing page
  • Designing a user-friendly form
  • Where to sell your designs online
  • Where to find freelance design work online
  • Design a twitter background you can be proud of
  • How to get work done when working from home
  • When to revamp your portfolio
  • What to include in a good design portfolio
  • How to solicit work from large companies
  • What makes a good business logo
  • Necessary elements of a great web site
  • What to expect to pay for design services
  • How long it should take to get a great logo
  • How to choose colors and fonts that fit your brand
  • Where to hire great designers
  • The difference between static and dynamic web sites
  • Logo design processes
  • When to hire a full-time designer
  • How design plays a part in your marketing efforts
  • What makes a good designer/client relationship
  • How to make your designer happy and get the results you want
  • How to integrate your brand into all aspects of your company
  • What makes a good facebook landing page?
  • What makes a good landing page design?
  • Common design mistakes businessmen make when it comes to web design
  • How to give honest feedback without frustrating your designer
  • When to redesign your website
  • When to rebrand your company
  • Why your company needs a new logo
  • Statistical improvements for companies who have solid brands, logos, and design styles
  • How to design for a particular target audience

Listen to your audience for more design topics

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from growing my own blog for over a decade, it’s that your readers can help you identify an endless supply of new design blog topics.

If you have exhausted this list of design topics and still need more design topics to talk about, comb through the comments of your blog or social accounts for more ideas.

With that little tip, you’ll never run out of design topics to talk about.

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Written by Millo Team

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Millo has been serving founders & freelancers since 2009. We are a team of experienced freelancers ourselves with over 30 years of combined freelancing experience. This piece was written by multiple members of our expert staff.

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  1. When I am searching for different sort of information … At that time I found your blog, Which contains unique content & this types of the blog make me more knowledgeable…

  2. Informative. This was really helpful stuff.

  3. JD Fillmore says:

    Lots of great tips here, Preston. Bookmarked 🙂

  4. Awesome list! I’m planning g on starting a blog about the business aspect of design. Thanks for sharing

  5. Ralph Quito says:

    Preston this is great! It is such a lovely article. It’s just amazing how you put all these together on “58 topics to write about on your design blog” with such great tips! Looking forward to more of these.

  6. Hi preston very nice topics really it helps a lot.ours is a web development company gimme some more ideas on blog topics

  7. Sabith Mohammed says:

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  9. great info and thanks for sharing.Really a comprehensive list of ideas

  10. I got good information for your article.Thanks for sharing

  11. very best article..interesting to read..

  12. Very nice..Excellent blog that your shared.

  13. great helps me a lot..

  14. Tim Keeley says:

    Great list! You have some really good topics here, and lots to work with. Thanks!

  15. This is such a great list.which will help us to become a professional writer.Thanks for sharing this information with us. It will help me to improve my site.

  16. This is quite resourceful, thanks Preston.

  17. says:

    Finding the perfect things to write about on your design blog can be a really big challenge and it can overcomes by having useful topics for the design blogs.

  18. rakshitha says:

    Grand post with Great ideas! I am going to follow your tips for my new blog. Thanks for stopping useful information here.

  19. I was thinking maybe we can write about the crazy things that inspire us. Music, Movie or whatever it is just to make our readers feel closer to us and that they know something about us. What do you think?

  20. Oh wow this is awesome! I’m an illustrator, so this list helped with coming up with topics since they were aimed at creatives in general.

    Thank you for all of these wonderful ideas!

  21. praveenitech says:

    Design blogs can easily attract the customers towards our sites .

  22. KatieBullon says:

    Fantastic Blog! I agree completely with you here. It is a very valuable and helpful collection of blogs. I am trying to gain information from all these. Really helpful post. Thank you..!!

  23. william Jacques says:

    Nice Blog! Thanks for sharing! I appreciate it.
    Good job. Thanks again.

  24. Mauricevog says:

    I’m a student of senior year. I have to write a lot of essays each semester.
    At first year it was very hard to write even a few lines. But now I do it quite easily. Reading experts articles greatly helped me succeed.

  25. MD Kawsar says:

    Wow, Really great work. Your list is fantastic.I think your list will help me. Thanks for sharing us nice post.

  26. Daniel Wilson says:

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  27. Abegail Louise Acosta says:

    I am a web designer and a content writer for a professional website development company, this article is really useful for me. I feel like I run out topics to write. 🙂 I am now revising some of your ideas.

  28. OSculus Technologies says:

    Very helpful list to create a informative blog.

  29. Fatima Mohanna says:

    Great article. It is very useful especially for bloggers. Because, sometimes, it’s hard to write new topic if you have no idea at all.

    1. Very nice ideas for designing. Thanks very much.

  30. great list..I thank you for sharing this post. I found it very helpful & am going to put all of your tips into practice.

  31. Andrew Hopes says:

    A very interesting article to read about various designing aspects.Thanks a lot for posting this.Good Work.Keep it Up.

  32. Mary Ann Sromoski says:

    I write about trends, seo tips, google rankings, organic ranking, web design news and how our company is different from other web design sites.

  33. Great topics although there are tons more to write about. Thanks for the ideas!

  34. Allen Thomas says:

    Wow!! Really great lists.. Thanks Preston for sharing.. This post through get quickly ideas and write..

  35. wow its really useful for us thanks and i am going to write about,

    The different between Static and Dynamic Websites.

  36. Some great ideas here, that cover topics that designers or client’s would find useful. Thanks for the inspiration.

  37. I Deliver Solutions says:

    Thanks for sharing this awesome resource with us……….Very nice and informative

  38. ashwani Verma says:

    Actually you have to write at your own but direction to good topics is always a help.

  39. ashwani Verma says:

    very nice direction for writing blog content. I am new to blog writing, so this information had helped me a lot.

    Thanks !!

  40. Glenford Laughton says:

    This is perfect! Just what I was looking for to get started. Thank you.

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  42. MERU STUDIOS says:

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  43. Mohamed Shiyas says:

    Thanks for sharing informative article on developing attractive website.

  44. Steve VanHove says:

    There are some great ideas here! Thank you!!!

  45. Laura Peragallo says:

    My posts are generally written with the potential client in mind. I address topics like how to prepare for a particular design project or what some basic website start up costs are. Explaining web terms would also be another relevant topic for that audience.

  46. Mamta Yadav says:

    Thanks for sharing this information its very helpful for my website

  47. Mohit Shrivastava says:

    wow that is great if you are blogging for clients that is very helpful for you

  48. Wow what a great list. Very in depth and each list gives you more ideas to really focus on each topic deeper.

  49. Jason Vassallo says:

    Great article, lots of good items to expand on, thank you

  50. Great list! This should give me some ideas on things to write about.

  51. Beth Rogers says:

    site list was very helpful for me . preston d lee thnks for the share good post 🙂

    1. Thank-you so much! Helped with my writer’s block and now I have my year blog schedule completed!

  52. thanks for the list. This list very helpful for me !!!!

  53. This list was very helpful i am still working on my site and have been taking a big interest in wordpress and blogging. I didnt know where 2 start with topics. Thanks for the post

  54. MAC Design Inc. says:

    Great post, I was looking for the latest blog trend and found this page. I am certainly going to use some of these topics in my blog. Thanks a lot!

  55. NASCO MEDIA says:

    Great post, I will certainly use some of these ideas. Thanks!

  56. This is the second time I have referenced you list. Thanks!

  57. Andy Eaton says:

    That’s a wonderful list, I have been racking my brains thinking of things to write, definitely got some new ideas to keep me going for at least 2-3 months. Thanks

  58. Lisa Noble says:

    This is a really good list to reference. It spawns ideas, especially for me. I haven’t started blogging yet, but I have been thinking about it. This lists gives me inspiration. Thank you.

  59. Awesome list, just starting a blog and this is going to be a massive help. Thank you!

  60. conroy@ web designer says:

    Its very handy list for content writers. I checked it’s trends using google trends and found hot searches for mostly topics.

  61. You have no idea how much that list helped me! I can’t wait to get started writing again! I had hit a massive writers block moment haha!
    Thanks for a great post!

  62. IntelliSites Web Design says:

    Good list here, especially the latter half. A good number of those are ideas we’ve actually covered, but there’s some inspiration for new articles too. Thanks!

  63. rajasegar says:

    Really a comprehensive list of ideas… thanks a lot for sharing…

  64. Andrea Canton says:

    You forgot “Make useful list of topics to write about on your design blog” 😛

  65. Nice topics, thanks lot 😀

  66. wow! great list, I also have a list for my blog. But your list was amazing, will use some of them. Thanks!