Knowing which questions to ask when designing a logo can be difficult.
You don’t want to look stupid by asking the wrong kinds of questions. You don’t want to overwhelm your client by asking too many questions.
But if you don’t ask enough of the right questions, you could waste hours designing a logo that doesn’t match what your client is looking for.

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I’ve been there. It’s not fun. Trust me.
Below, to help you start thinking through questions to ask when designing a logo, I’ve brainstormed 55+ ideas you can use as a starting point.
Please keep these three things in mind as you’re deciding which questions to ask:
- First of all, steal these ideas. I want you to. I believe knowing which questions to ask when designing a logo is key to the success of the logo design process.
- I do not suggest you ask any client all of these questions. It’s way too much. Keep it as simple as possible without leaving out important information.
- Use these questions as building blocks. If they lead you to better questions to ask when designing a logo, then alter them.
I have broken them up into 5 categories: company/organization questions, branding questions, design preferences, target audience, budgets & proofing.
Company/organization details
When deciding which questions to ask when designing a logo, consider all the details you’ll need to know about the company or organization your designing for. For starters, try these:
- What sets your company apart from others?
- What services or products does your company provide?
- Why should I choose your company over your competitors?
- How long has your company been in business?
- How big is your company? (this may be answered in number of employees or revenue)
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of your company?
- Where do you see your company in 5 years? 10 years? 50 years?
- Who is your main competitor?
- Why was your company founded?
- What motivated you to start this business/organization?
The questions to ask when designing a logo aren’t just about the logo itself. They’re also about the overall brand of the company and the image it portrays to the public. Be sure to address that. Here are a few ideas:
- If you had to describe your company/organization in one word, what would it be? why?
- If your customers had to describe your company/organization in one word, what would it be? why?
- Do you have a current logo?
- (If yes to above) What elements from your previous logo would you like to retain?
- What is the reason for modifying or redesigning your logo? (read more on this question)
- How old is your current logo?
- What is the positioning or mission statement of your company?
- Does your company have a tagline or sloagan that should be included with the logo?
- What do you hope your company can be known for?
- What do your customers recognize first when they see your logo?
- Why does your company use the colors, fonts, etc. that is does?
Design preferences
If you’ve ever had to deal with a client who can’t quite put their finger on what they do or don’t like, these questions are the best kind to ask. Help them clarify their own taste with these:
- What color palettes might you prefer? why?
- Where will the logo be primarily used?
- Are there any elements you would prefer to see in the logo?
- In your opinion, what defines a well-designed logo?
- What is your preference in reference to icons, typography, spokespeople (characters), etc.?
- What restrictions, if any, might there be on the logo?
- What words or icons must be included in the logo?
- What logos do you like and why?
- What logos do you dislike and why?
- In your opinion, what is the primary purpose for a logo?
- What are the likely occasions in which this logo will be used? (read more on this question)
Target audience
When asking questions about the logo, don’t forget to address the target audience. A smart client will focus more on what appeals to the audience than to themselves. Here are a few to show you what I mean:
- Who is the primary target audience? (who is most likely to use your services/product?)
- Who currently uses your product the most?
- Are you please with the range of people your company serves?
- Are you looking to expand, modify, or completely change your target audience? or will it remain the same?
- How do you plan to focus on your target audience?
- What are your main forms of advertising?
- How do most customers find out about your company?
- Which gender are you targeting?
- Where do most of your customers live?
- What is the average income level of your target audience?
Budget and timing
Last but not least, when asking questions about logo design (or any design) it’s important to nail down details about budget, timing, and scope. Here are some ideas to help you do that:
- How much money do you plan to dedicate to this logo design?
- How many revisions do you plan on making? (You should try to limit this!)
- How many initial concepts would you prefer to see?
- What sort of deadline are you working with on this logo?
- Do you foresee any needed modifications in the near future?
- What is the primary reason you chose [your company] to do your logo work?
- Which is most important for you: quality, speed, or cost? (read more on this question)
- Are there any special events or promotions on which the completion of this design depends?
- Will you be needing any other services in addition to this logo design? (read more on this question)
BONUS: Extras (questions that bring in a little more money)
- Are there any other design pieces I can help you with?
- Would you like help/consultation in defining your target audience or anything else I have asked you about?
- Do you know anyone else who is also looking for a new logo design?
In your experience, what are other helpful questions to ask when designing a logo? Share with us in the comments here.
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This is a very nice post and it help me a lot Thanks
Nice Post!
Thanks For Sharing
Such a great post to know different useful information.
Thanks, Preston! This is great. I already incorporate many of these questions into my client consultations, but I look forward to using these others as well. Thanks, Preston!
Hi Preston, I really want to give you thanks for this informative and so much helpful post. Actually we should follow the question and the rules you mention here for good output. but we maximum people not following like that.
Its really a very professional post with great representation. I will be connected with you and reading every post to gain my knowledge and skill.
Can you please take a look at how my site logo is look like
these questions are great!. One question for you. I am currently a student at ITT Tech in California and looking for a Internship. Any Idea what I should be looking for since I am new to the business?
Also retired from the army too.
Any help would be appreciated!
I like the question “Would you like help/consultation in defining your target audience or anything else I have asked you about?”
Do you have an article on how to do this for a client?
Thats a service you should offer to the client.
Personally, as someone so valuable to the promotion and branding industry ive no idea how im suffering from unemployment for so long..
Hi Preston,
I really appreciate your effort to write such a nice blog post related to logo designing which is most important for any kind of online business. These questionnaire post is helpful to web designers to design a quality and valuable logo for any business for sure.
Very informative post! Thanks for sharing all these tips and what to think about when designing a logo. These are all very important things to think about as a logo is a crucial decision!
As a starting free lancer this article was fantastic! Thank you!
Very thorough! I’ll definitely add a few of the questions listed under “Design Preferences” to my existing consult form.
To add to the overall list of questions, I ask my brand identity clients to name 3-4 adjectives to describe how they would like their company to be perceived by outsiders. The answers always provide valuable insight, and it’s one of the consult questions that I refer back to the most when crafting concepts for a brand.
I ask that same question, Nicole, and it always helps me when I hit an area that I don’t have a specific answer about…does it fit these adjectives? Awesome overall guide that I also refer to most often.
“When deciding which questions to ask when designing a logo, consider all the details you’ll need to know about the company or organization your designing for.”
YOU’RE designing for – not “your designing for.”
This would make a really great eBook/Lead Magnet for you guys 😉
Thanks for this rather complete list of questions for the client prior to a logo design project, I will add some of these to my current questionnaire;
I think one of the most important things in this is that it is questions that enhances the professional feeling to it all. It all fits together pretty well. I love the art of designing logotypes. It’s definitely an art to develop a logo that could last for the future.
Great tips Preston!
Wish I had this when I did my first client logo, what a learning curve!
Of course you have different types of clients and some are more confident in their answers rather than those relying on the designer to pull something out of thin air magically. To be fair, this is quite an extensive list and you’ll likely have to do some creative coaxing to get answers to some of these questions as Jack mentioned as well. Overall great article though!
Hi Preston,
Great article. To note, a lot of clients won’t know the correct answers to these questions. It’s often worth ‘teasing’ them out of them through discussion. Alternatively, research may be required by the design team to establish them. Ultimately, by answering the questions you have formed your creative brief
Thanks for sharing this information, it was very useful!
This is a really great reference list. Thanks for sharing.
This is really solid. Thank you.
Super helpful post – We’re a small non-profit who wants to be ready when we meet with our potential designer this week. These questions were helpful in preparing us for not only what he may be asking, but in helping US figure out what we want. Any suggestions for us? We’re small (that’s code for limited budget) with a limited,specific audience …
Great reference when going about the business of designing an effective logo for someone. Thanks!
Great article! We have been doing similar question steps with our client. Almost all of them appreciate it that we ask very detailed questions! Its a great way to get to know your client and propose killer solutions for them!
i always got this problem.. -_-
This is very helpful, you should make a printable minibook of this.
I agree asking lots of question helps. But if you really have no idea, logo contest could also be a good option.
Well if this list doesn’t at least get you in the ball park with the client I don’t know what will. Great list, good points. I love targeting the audience. It plays so much into colors and styles and flow. It would be interesting to see examples of the same logo but geared towards different audiences. 🙂
This is huge and may not work always with all clients 🙂 but a great compilation must say.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much, this is almost a cheat sheet for design students, it’s so comprehensive! Excellent for business use also.
Cheers ~Laura.
Awesome questions, i hope i wont scare the client away.
You have inspired me for action!
Thank you for your post. I am a graphic designer and a clergy man. i have not been designing for so many years but now i have started designing and about to start a designing school for the talented in my community. I was on the net searching for ideas and materials to spark me up again and i found you. I am blessed with you material. Again, Thanks. Can you recommend to me some soft wares for images!
Hi, to GoogleReader!
Super post, Need to mark it on Digg
Really sir 55+ Questions To Ask When Designing A Logo it is a good i liked your tips.
Everything dynamic and very positively! 🙂
I love the questions, the client love it and thinks you are so interested to do it.
thanks for the extra questions.
It attracts a market share.! heheheh
Thank you for compiling such an excellent list. Any graphic design student would do well to read it.
Great post! these are all important factors in logo designing. I think you covered everything in this. Thanks
Thanks so much for the correction on the typos and for your support. Readers are just great. Hope to see you back frequently.
I was just in the process of looking for logo design inspiration when @vectortuts pointed out your article! Great reading – I’ll be on the look out for more of you posts. By the way, small typos on points 6 and 7 of Company/organization details.