337 results found for Freelancing

millo.co > yes-freelancing-is-entrepreneurship-here-are-8-reasons-why

Yes, Freelancing is Entrepreneurship. Here Are 8 Reasons Why

For me, embarking on the freelance journey felt akin to stepping into the vast, exhilarating world of entrepreneurship. It wasn’t just about leaving the predictability of a 9-to-5 job; it was ab...

millo.co > i-burned-out-on-freelancing-heres-how-to-recover

I Burned Out on Freelancing—Here’s How to Recover

Once upon a time, there was a freelancer who thought he’d never burnout. He was young, he was in love with his job, he was making a lot of money, and he felt invincible. He didn’t mind burning the...

millo.co > i-quiet-quit-my-freelancing-heres-what-happened

I “Quiet Quit” My Freelancing. Here’s What Happened.

At 25 years old, I became a six-figure translator. I had been working on my freelance business since I was 19, and now I felt like the world was at my feet. I couldn’t care less about the 12-hour wo...

millo.co > best-books-on-freelancing

26 Best Books on Freelancing [2023 Reading List]

There are lots of books about freelancing you can read along your journey as a freelancer. But the best books on freelancing are going to be the ones that actually help you take action and grow your f...

millo.co > freelancing-vs-consulting

Freelancing vs Consulting: What Should You Call Yourself?

Sometimes, when people ask what I do for a living, I struggle to really describe it. “Well, I’m a freelance writer,” I sometimes say. But believe it or not, not everyone really knows what freela...

millo.co > monotasking

7 Ways Monotasking Can Make Freelancing Easier

Multitasking is something that every freelancer knows all about. After all, when you’re a solo entrepreneur, the buck stops with you. You’re responsible for everything from marketing to liaising w...

millo.co > future-of-freelancing

What Does the Future of Freelancing Look Like?

As the world of work continues to evolve, more and more people are finding that freelance work is the way of the future. With the rise of the gig economy and the proliferation of online platforms that...

millo.co > 4-ways-to-use-your-resume-beyond-finding-a-freelancing-job

4 Ways to Use Your Resume Beyond Finding a Freelancing Job

The world of freelancing is dynamic and exciting because you never know when your dream project may pop up in your path. Plus, even if everything seems chill and dull today, things can change from one...

millo.co > how-to-start-freelancing-as-an-it-developer-tips-to-landing-your-first-client

How to Start Freelancing as an IT Developer + Tips to Landing Your First Client

Freelancing has been a popular way to earn money for many decades. This is especially true in the IT industry. Technology companies are now the most profitable businesses in the world, and there are s...

millo.co > a-quick-guide-into-freelancing-pros-cons-how-to-get-work

A Quick Guide into Freelancing: Pros, Cons + How to Get Work

As if COVID-19 and millions of lives this pandemic consumed weren’t enough, we are staring at another formidable challenge – loss of jobs and economic recession. Anybody who stays updated on r...