Page 24 of 248 results for Portfolio > how-your-offices-design-and-decor-can-win-or-lose-clients

How your office’s design and decor can win or lose clients

As a freelancer, just being good at your job is not a guarantee for getting clients. Sooner or later, we all realize that it takes a lot more than just being talented or creative to find success in fr... > super-successful-client-onboarding-process

Client onboarding: How I turn 90% of prospects into paying customers

One of the most important things in getting steady work is having a set client onboarding process that will transform potential customers into paying clients. Once that client inquiry lands in your in... > my-10-freelance-design-business-goals-and-tips-for-setting-yours

My 10 freelance business goals + tips for setting yours

Your design business will DIE without solid goals, because without a goal in mind, you have no basis for where to begin or what path to take. So when I first started freelancing, I purchased Preston&#... > what-i-learned-from-getting-designer-bids-and-being-the-client

What I learned from getting designer bids and being the client

Recently, we redesigned the Millo logo with the help of Dina Rodriquez at Letter Shoppe. (Stay tuned for the final logo reveal + lots of cool swag by subscribing to our email newsletter.) Getting our ... > more-clients-on-linkedin

A freelancer’s guide to getting more clients on Linkedin

Two new users join LinkedIn every second, making it one of the fastest growing social media networks, especially for professionals. And because it’s a business networking site, people expect ... > 3-critical-business-tips-i-would-share-with-7-years-ago-me-if-i-had-a-time-machine

3 Critical business tips I would share with ‘7-years-ago’ me if I had a time machine

Between freelancing and running Millo, I’ve been “in business” for over seven years now. I know that’s not much for some people, but for me, I feel pretty blessed to have rea... > long-test-marketing-idea-giving

How long should you test a marketing idea before giving up?

Marketing. That dirty ‘M’ word. How dare they not warn you of it in design school. “Do good work” — they say. “Create a great portfolio” — they say. “Look after your clients�... > awesome-referral-generating-email-template-send-clientsright-now

5 Awesome referral-generating email templates for freelancers

Asking for referrals can be pretty nerve-wracking. The good news: If you do it right, you only have to do it once (per client). That’s the biggest value this post has to offer you. It gives you a pr... > 23-cool-examples-of-transparent-business-cards-giveaway

23 Cool Examples of Transparent Business Cards + Giveaway

Remember when you were in college (maybe you still are) and you stressed to no end about your resume and portfolio? You were all about getting it perfect. “Just right.” It had to be impres... > 6-reasons-why-you-shouldnt-fear-design-outsourcing

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Fear Design Outsourcing

It seems I caused a little bit of a stir in my last post when I suggested you could potentially outsource some design tasks to cheaper labour in places like Manilla. I do love a hearty discussion so I...