Page 4 of 47 results for Revision > scope-creep-good-business-happens

Scope creep is great for your business—if you handle it like this

I remember receiving some bad news earlier in my career from a client that I was doing some identity work for. We’d finished the logo, moved on to the stationery, and were just about to wrap thi... > earning-33k-fiverr-taught-building-freelance-business

What earning $33k from Fiverr taught me about building a freelance business

Before starting my career as a full-time freelance blogger, I used to sell landing page designing gigs on Fiverr part-time. Back then, I used to make $2,000+ each month with little effort on my end, a... > freelance-contract-template

Freelance contract template to secure your work and get paid (free download)

If you don’t have a freelance contract template (that you use EVERY time), it’s time for an intervention—and a ready-made contract (free download below) you can customize for yourself. Why am I ... > one-page-business-plan-template

How to write a One Page Business Plan: templates, ideas, and a step-by-step guide

Writing a one page business plan (instead of a hundred-page, in-depth business plan no one will ever read) has become a popular and efficient way to get your small business moving in the right directi... > 5-mistakes-freelancers-make-looking-new-clients

5 Mistakes freelancers make when looking for new clients

Those having a hard time getting their freelance business off the ground say that finding clients is their biggest hurdle. However, for those who’ve been doing this for years now, looking for new on... > set-expectations-get-go-client-welcome-packet

Set expectations from the get-go with a Client Welcome Packet

Ever notice how Amazon packages routinely come earlier than expected? They’ll tell you the package will arrive on or by the 27th, and when the package shows up on the 23rd, you are pleasantly su... > charge-what-youre-worth

Why “charge what you’re worth” is terrible advice

It’s a pretty common phrase around the freelancing world—“charge what you’re worth.” But I think it’s doing more harm than good. In fact, I think it could be completely killing or holding ... > 4-types-clients-will-drag-business

4 Types of clients that will drag you (and your business) down with them

In the freelance community, we can all relate to experiencing the headaches of the problem client before. Naturally, not every project you work on will go as smooth as molasses. But simply saying “i... > bad-crazy-clients-will-make-rich

Bad, Crazy Clients Will Make You Rich

Sounds crazy, right? But looking back, I can attribute any and all success I’ve had to what the title of this post is saying. Bad, Crazy Clients Will Make You Rich I can also attribute people stayin... > how-to-share-bad-news-with-a-client-and-save-the-relationship

How to share bad news with a client and save the relationship

No matter how careful you are, if you’re in business long enough, you’re going to screw up. Bad. (Not the “my bad, I sent over the wrong revision.” The big “we just print...