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How to Earn a Six-Figure Income as an Online Tutor in 2023

Online tutoring is an amazing way to earn money from your expertise, knowledge and skills — and everyone’s an expert in something, right? What was unthinkable a couple of decades ago—tutoring so... > how-to-stand-out-and-get-noticed-as-a-designer

How To Stand Out As a Graphic Designer and Look Like a Pro

Design is a competitive industry. If you want to succeed, you’ll need to learn how to stand out as a graphic designer. It’s not just your portfolio that needs to wow potential clients. Your overal... > when-to-fire-a-design-client

How to Fire a Client Professionally (3 Email Scripts)

As freelancers, we all rely on clients to generate income. Unfortunately, there are some times that the relationship with certain clients just isn’t working out. They may be difficult to work with, ... > freelance-writer-website

The Importance of Having a Freelance Writer Website + 5 Great Examples

As a freelancer, you may have wondered if you should have your own freelance writer website—or if you need one to begin with. We’re here to tell you that, yes, it’s absolutely recommended that y... > how-to-grow-your-freelance-business-with-influencer-marketing

How to Grow Your Freelance Business With Influencer Marketing

The term “influencer” has become very popular in the last few years. In a matter of years, it has evolved from a hobby and internet trend, to be considered a highly-rewarding career path. If you h... > freelance-art-jobs

10 Top Freelance Art Jobs Sites to Find Creative Work in 2024

Finding freelance art jobs doesn’t have to be difficult. Because of the nature of freelance work, it’s hard to get a solid number on how many freelancers there are in the world. Based on estimates... > digital-nomad-jobs

10 Top-Paying Digital Nomad Jobs to Make Bank from Anywhere

Thanks to the pandemic, digital nomad jobs are becoming more popular than ever. Remote work is skyrocketing. Maybe you’ve realized your role can be done completely from home. Or maybe you lost your ... > gifts-for-photographers

30 Best Gifts for Photographers for Every Budget

As we head into the end of the year, it’s time to celebrate the approach of the holiday season — that joyful spell of songs, snow, sugar cookies… and many headaches as you attempt to nail down y... > the-power-of-please-how-etiquette-in-an-online-world-goes-a-long-way

The Power of Please: How Etiquette in an Online World Goes a Long Way

Communication is one of the most powerful tools at a person’s disposal. We’ve developed complex communication methods that reached far beyond our ancestors’ basic vocabulary. Communication is no... > google-docs-invoice-template

How To Use A Google Docs Invoice Template For Your Business

If you’re a freelancer, a working professional, or a small business owner, chances are you’ll need to send out invoices on a pretty regular basis. But how exactly should you go about this? Many pe...