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5 Boring (But Powerful) Tips That Made Me a Six-Figure Freelancer

In 2018, 6 years after I started out as a freelancer, I became a six figure translator. Trust me when I say no one was more surprised than me as I reached that goal. I was probably in the top 1% of tr... > freelancing-isnt-working-should-i-give-up

I’m Failing as a Freelancer … Should I Give Up?

When you start freelancing, everything feels so exciting. You’re finally working for yourself! You say goodbye to having a boss, attending boring meetings, and commuting every day to a job you hate.... > how-these-16-pro-freelancers-keep-their-pipeline-filled

How These 16 Pro Freelancers Keep Their Pipeline Filled

For anyone who depends on clients to keep their business going, the feast-famine struggle is all too real. This classic (almost cliché) problem facing freelancers from all industries can cause major ... > personal-swot-analysis-for-freelancers

Personal SWOT Analysis: A Success Strategy for Freelancers

A SWOT analysis is a common tool that companies use to assess their current state and make decisions on how to increase business growth. With fields representing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, ... > how-to-use-chat-gpt-to-make-money

9 Ways I’ve Used ChatGPT to Make Money in 2024

If you want to use ChatGPT to make money, you’ve got to get creative. That’s because the language model that’s been the “talk of the town” since late 2022 is powerful, but not “all powerfu... > how-to-become-a-freelance-writer-with-no-experience

How to Become a Freelance Writer with No Experience: Step By Step Guide

Are you a budding wordsmith who is grappling with the question of how to become a freelance writer with no experience? It may seem like a daunting prospect at first, but there’s no need to feel stre... > 97-habits-of-insanely-profitable-freelancers

97 Habits of insanely profitable freelancers

If you want to be insanely profitable doing what you love then you need to find a happy balance between art and commerce. Basically, you need a head for business and a mind for getting the work done. ... > what-is-a-freelancer

What is a Freelancer? Here’s What it Takes to Be One

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have more than likely heard about the rise of independent workers, contractors, and new ways of doing business. But can you answer the question, “what i... > how-to-manage-multiple-projects

9 Tips to Help You Manage Multiple Projects as a Freelancer

Many freelancers have trouble finding their next client. However, some freelancers face the exact opposite problem: how to manage multiple projects and deal with many clients. The good news is there a... > future-of-freelancing

What Does the Future of Freelancing Look Like?

As the world of work continues to evolve, more and more people are finding that freelance work is the way of the future. With the rise of the gig economy and the proliferation of online platforms that...