Page 3 of 169 results for Freelance Profile > freelance-lead-generation

10 Freelance Lead Generation Ideas That Won’t Break the Bank

As you already know, the benefits of having a freelance job are numerous: Freedom and flexibility in choosing when you work Diverse projects that keep you engaged and motivated for a longer time No li... > how-to-freelance

How To Become A Freelancer In 2024 (10-Step Guide for Success)

You’ve probably come across a ton of successful stories about people who started their freelancing career from scratch are now earning a six-figure salary. Their success may have swept you off y... > freelance-content-writing-tools

16 Freelance Content Writing Tools You Need To Use in 2024

Are you a freelance content writer who often experiences writer’s block? Or do you struggle with researching golden nuggets for your content and balancing SEO with readability? The good news is,... > from-editor-to-entrepreneur-a-guide-to-breaking-into-freelance-editing

From Editor to Entrepreneur: A Guide to Breaking into Freelance Editing

Embarking on a freelance career is an exciting journey, filled with the promise of flexibility, autonomy, and the chance to work on diverse projects that pique your interest. However, it is equally a ... > personal-swot-analysis-for-freelancers

Personal SWOT Analysis: A Success Strategy for Freelancers

A SWOT analysis is a common tool that companies use to assess their current state and make decisions on how to increase business growth. With fields representing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, ... > how-to-ask-for-testimonials

How to Ask For Testimonials From Your Freelance Clients

Instilling trust in new clients is the best way to achieve consistent growth as a freelancer. The start is the most challenging, but it shows your expertise as the client list keeps growing. It’s im... > freelance-graphic-designer-websites

12 Best Freelance Graphic Designer Websites to Find Gigs

Freelancing is a great way to make money working for companies of your choice at your own pre-set times. The downside of freelancing, however, is that work is almost never constant. Freelancers are al... > how-to-get-bookkeeping-clients

How to Get Bookkeeping Clients as a Freelancer

Now that there are plenty of gig workers out there, it’s an important skill to learn how to get bookkeeping clients as a freelancer. About 35% of the entire US workforce is made up of freelancers, a... > how-these-3-outreach-methods-landed-me-7000-month-as-a-freelancer

These 3 Outreach Methods Landed me $7,000/month as a Freelancer

If you want to be a full-time freelancer, skill alone will not take you there. One thing I learned early on in my career is that being a freelancer or “independent professional” or “consultant�... > freelancer-community

5+ Freelancer Communities You Should Join Right Now

Recent years have shaken up the world of work, and there’s never been a better time to try something new. For freelancers and the freelance-curious, nothing sounds better than working for yourself. ...