Millo Freelance Blog

Page 31

How to write blog posts that actually attract new clients

How to write blog posts that actually attract new clients

In the awesome Millo Mastermind Facebook group I’ve seen this question pop up about half a dozen times now. So I thought I’d answer it...

How to position your creative business (and yourself) for success

How to position your creative business (and yourself) for success

When asked about their success, a lot of entrepreneurs respond with, “well, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.”...

6 Steps to targeting your ideal client online

6 Steps to targeting your ideal client online

With so much activity happening on the web these days, reaching out to your target audience isn’t easy. You have to compete against many who...

Artist vs. Entrepreneur: When should you wear each hat?

Artist vs. Entrepreneur: When should you wear each hat?

You know in cartoons or movies when the main character is trying to make a decision and there’s a little angel and devil perched on...

My 10 freelance business goals + tips for setting yours

My 10 freelance business goals + tips for setting yours

Your design business will DIE without solid goals, because without a goal in mind, you have no basis for where to begin or what path...

Should freelancers work directly with clients or hire a middle man?

Should freelancers work directly with clients or hire a middle man?

Some may call it the lazy way to freelance, but I like to think of it as a way to focus your time on the...

What I learned from getting designer bids and being the client

What I learned from getting designer bids and being the client

Recently, we redesigned the Millo logo with the help of Dina Rodriquez at Letter Shoppe. (Stay tuned for the final logo reveal + lots of...

How to share bad news with a client and save the relationship

How to share bad news with a client and save the relationship

No matter how careful you are, if you’re in business long enough, you’re going to screw up. Bad. (Not the “my bad, I sent over...

The most powerful marketing method no one ever uses

The most powerful marketing method no one ever uses

Whenever people ask me for help with their marketing, I give them one suggestion. Yet no one ever takes my suggestion seriously. They maybe think...

14 Inspiring websites to kickstart your creative process

14 Inspiring websites to kickstart your creative process

We’ve all been there… Sitting in front of a computer screen/notepad/art table with absolutely no idea why your client hired you. All your normal routines...

What to do when you get nervous before every client call

What to do when you get nervous before every client call

It’s one thing to be nervous before you call a new client to talk about all of zeroes on the end of your quote. Or to...

Am I an entrepreneur?

Am I an entrepreneur?

Am I an entrepreneur? And I don’t mean like how most of the world these days considers themselves to be an entrepreneur. I don’t mean...

Overwhelmed? Outsource any of these 10 tasks to free up valuable creative time

Overwhelmed? Outsource any of these 10 tasks to free up valuable creative time

All entrepreneurs by nature are risk-takers; they like to be in charge of where their business is headed. But today’s entrepreneurs are wired differently from those...

A creative freelancer’s guide to personal branding

A creative freelancer’s guide to personal branding

Branding is one of those buzzwords that we’re bombarded with on a daily basis. And it’s not for nothing. Branding is the secret sauce that...

How to win more web design clients with SEO & marketing services

How to win more web design clients with SEO & marketing services

When’s the last time a web design client asked you about SEO? (If your business is anything like mine, it happens more and more as business...

A freelancer’s guide to getting more clients on Linkedin

A freelancer’s guide to getting more clients on Linkedin

Two new users join LinkedIn every second, making it one of the fastest growing social media networks, especially for professionals. And because it’s a business...

Get more work from your current clients with these 3 simple steps

Get more work from your current clients with these 3 simple steps

Every project you work on has a beginning and end, right? You do the work, get paid, and move onto the next project. But how...

How to build recurring revenue from retainer-based clients

How to build recurring revenue from retainer-based clients

Retainers seem super complicated if you’ve never done them before. I know I used to be afraid of them because they seem like these big,...

3 Mistakes keeping you in the feast or famine cycle (and how you can break out!)

3 Mistakes keeping you in the feast or famine cycle (and how you can break out!)

If you ask ten freelancers what their least favorite thing about freelancing is, I’ll bet money at least half of them say “uneven income.” The...

I overlooked this Illustrator feature at first – now it saves me time & headaches

I overlooked this Illustrator feature at first – now it saves me time & headaches

Have you ever updated your Adobe Design Suite but been too busy to really investigate the new features? You keep ploughing along, using the tools...

12 Awesome apps for productivity and project management

12 Awesome apps for productivity and project management

For me as a creative entrepreneur, picking the right app can be a daunting task. First of all, I’m the only one person who’s already wearing...

How to find a mastermind group that transforms your business and keeps you focused

How to find a mastermind group that transforms your business and keeps you focused

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. – Jim Rohn Subconsciously, we are greatly affected and influenced by...

5 Places I’ve discovered new freelance business (and you can too)

5 Places I’ve discovered new freelance business (and you can too)

For those of you who’ve made the leap into full-time freelancing, the ebb and flow of new business can be especially unnerving. Hunting through dozens...

How switching to value-based pricing transformed our small agency

How switching to value-based pricing transformed our small agency

My husband Eddie and I started our design agency back in 2006. For the first several years, we priced our projects hourly. We estimated the...