
We’ve always said: if you’re not making money from your business, you’re not in business—you’ve got a hobby. So here, we’ve compiled all our best content about money: from how much to charge, to tax questions, to growing your revenue, it’s all here.

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Podcast Cover - Freelance to Founder

[Q&A] Charge by Hour or Project?

Figuring out your pricing is one of the biggest struggles for new freelancers and solopreneurs. Do you charge hourly? By the project? What if a...

How to Start a Podcast and Make Money in 2024

How to Start a Podcast and Make Money in 2024

Podcasting has come a long way from its origins in the 1980s (when it was originally called audio blogging) and has become a highly-accessible medium...

What’s a Rush Fee? And How to Calculate it

What’s a Rush Fee? And How to Calculate it

Many freelancers, agencies, or service providers utilize a rush fee in order to avoid last-minute panicked requests from clients. If you run a service business...

Lili Bank Review: Good Business Banking Option in 2024?

Lili Bank Review: Good Business Banking Option in 2024?

Since its launch in 2018, Lili Bank has offered innovative banking solutions to small business owners and freelancers. For starters, Lili offers a business checking...

What Your Freelance Rates Really Say About You

What Your Freelance Rates Really Say About You

When you’re running your own freelancing business, your image is critical. That’s because you most likely don’t have millions to spend on marketing, so your...

Podcast Cover - Freelance to Founder

Can I Get Rich Working with Agencies?

On today’s episode: working with agencies is a great way to fill your client pipeline on a regular basis. But if an agency is going...

109 Side Jobs for Teachers Who Need Extra Money

109 Side Jobs for Teachers Who Need Extra Money

Being a teacher is one of the noblest professions you can aspire to. Unfortunately, society and governments have not rewarded teachers financially for their devotion...

LLC Business Loans: How to Finance Your New Business

LLC Business Loans: How to Finance Your New Business

Millions of small business owners choose to structure their companies as limited liability companies, or LLCs. Not only does the LLC offer some tax flexibility,...

Why Some Freelancers Get RICH While Others Don’t

Why Some Freelancers Get RICH While Others Don’t

At first, freelancing can seem so attractive. You watch other freelancers start doing client work on the side. Then they quit their day job to...

How to Start a Business from Home: The Ultimate Guide

How to Start a Business from Home: The Ultimate Guide

It all starts here! Starting an at-home business is exciting, whether it’s a side hustle or a full-time thing. You get to be your own...

Podcast Cover - Freelance to Founder

[Q&A] Extra Fee for Crazy Client?

Today’s question comes from Kirsty. She says, “Do you charge a rush fee? For example, it’s 5:22 pm, and a client asked if I could...

9 Ways I’ve Used ChatGPT to Make Money in 2024

9 Ways I’ve Used ChatGPT to Make Money in 2024

If you want to use ChatGPT to make money, you’ve got to get creative. That’s because the language model that’s been the “talk of the...