Page 2 of 18 results for Expense Category > time-management-tips-for-designers

5 Ways to Master Time Management for Creatives

Whether you’re a freelance graphic designer or an aspiring entrepreneur building the next unicorn, you probably scramble to find enough time to finish all the work that needs to be done. Time manage... > 36-easy-to-use-time-tracking-tools-for-freelancers

15 Freelance Time-Tracking Apps Pro Freelancers Use in 2024

There’s no shortage of freelance time tracking apps on the market today, and for good reason: time is money. And if you’re not tracking your time as a freelancer you’re probably leaving some of ... > work-smarter-not-harder-how-to-run-a-profitable-freelance-business

Work Smarter, Not Harder: How to Run a Profitable Freelance Business

As an established freelancer, you likely have a daily routine and client list that works for you…for the most part. You only have so many hours in a week and you’re already using them all to t... > how-to-set-a-financial-goal-for-your-freelancing-business

How to Set the Right Financial Goals for Your Freelancing Business

My first year as a self-employed designer was a frightening whirlwind of stress, uncertainty, and just plain “winging it.” I had years of proven design skills under my belt, but I was sudd... > shopify-competitors

Top 4 Shopify Competitors to Choose From for Your Next Online Store

Are you launching an online store any time soon and can’t figure out the best suitable eCommerce platform for your project? If so, I bet you’re thinking Shopify is the best option out ther... > what-is-an-invoice

What Is An Invoice? Your All-in-One Resource for Learning to Get Paid

Whether you run a small business or you’re a freelancer, you’ll need to get paid at some point — this is when the invoice comes in. While many of us have heard of invoices, it’s totally a diff... > tools-for-freelancers

100+ Best tools for freelancers who never want to have a boss again

Here’s a tough truth about freelancing: no one tells you how much of your time you’ll be spending on actually running your business. Lucky for you, there’s no shortage of tools for f... > top-tax-deductions-creative-entrepreneurs

The best last-minute purchases for major tax savings next year as a freelancer

The end of the year is upon us, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to save a little bit of cash next spring on your freelance business taxes. We want to help you rack up as many tax deduc...