Page 60 of 615 results for how to get clients > how-to-sell-the-heck-out-of-your-design-services-in-the-coolest-non-sleaziest-way

How to Sell the Heck Out of Your Design Services… In the Coolest, Non-Sleaziest Way

I’m an artist first. I care about creating beautiful, functional things more than anything else. If I could just sit in a room all day and create and pay the bills – well, that’d be just fin... > 5-super-fun-and-easy-marketing-tips-for-your-design-business

5 Super Fun (and Easy) Marketing Tips for Your Design Business

When you decide go freelance you have to do more than just design. You have to run your business. I won’t lie, running a design business can be tough, but it can be a lot of fun too. Now, IR... > 15-workflow-tips-that-took-my-design-business-to-the-next-level

15 Workflow tips that took my design business to the next level

As busy freelancers, time is one of your most valuable assets. The more time you can save, the more money you can make. However; you can’t just spend less time on your client work and let the qu... > 4-easy-ways-to-ask-for-referrals-without-asking-for-referrals

4 Easy ways to ask for referrals without asking for referrals

One of the most common pieces of advice I see freelancers offering other freelancers is “get referrals.” That’s because it is one of the best pieces of advice there is. Referrals a... > how-to-start-a-successful-business-when-youre-not-an-expert-at-anything

How to start a successful business when you’re not an expert at anything

It’s a common voice all entrepreneurs hear inside their heads: “Will anyone actually pay me real money for this?” “Why would anyone pay me when there are so many other experts... > understanding-freelancing-insurance-do-you-need-it

Understanding freelancing insurance + do you need it?

The Freelancer’s Union recently announced the ability for members to purchase liability insurance. But as freelance designers, do we really need it? Truthfully, when I read the “hey, we’... > what-freelancing-is-not

What freelancing is not.

There are a lot of stigmas about what freelancing is like. Blogs like this one tell you about how to start a freelance business, how to find more freelance clients, and how to get paid more as a freel... > how-not-to-act-when-your-client-asks-for-revisions

How NOT to act when your client asks for revisions

I’m a freelancer and entrepreneur. And many of you know that just a few years ago, I also took a desk job. So I have a unique perspective on working with clients. Half the day, I work for client... > how-to-build-a-killer-physical-portfolio-and-win-your-next-account

How to build a killer physical portfolio and win your next account

A picture is worth 1,000 words. Keep that in mind when you go to your next potential client meeting. You want to make a great first impression and win the account. While what you say and how you act a... > where-will-i-see-you-in-6-months

Where will I see you in 6 months?

If you’re anything like me, you probably set a lot of goals. If you’re running your own business, you simply have to. But it seems like the more I talk with people, the more I learn that t...