116 results found for Hourly Rate

millo.co > upwork-hourly-rate

How to Determine Your Upwork Hourly Rate with Confidence

Aside from time flexibility, one of the undeniable charms of freelancing is the freedom to set your rates, which, in turn, gives you unlimited earning capacity. Setting a competitive Upwork hourly rat...

millo.co > how-to-confidently-negotiate-freelance-rates-with-clients

How to Confidently Negotiate Freelance Rates with Clients

As a freelancer, you have to operate your career as a business. You may be highly skilled in your service, but you’ll also have to learn how to sell that service. That’s where negotiation ...

millo.co > upwork-fees

7 Ways To Minimize Upwork Fees As A Top-Rated Plus Upworker

In this marketplace of work, individual talent is valued, and agencies can seamlessly connect with and hire contractors for jobs. When it comes to the popular freelance job marketplace Upwork, they ma...

millo.co > upwork-top-rated

How I Became a Top-Rated Upwork Freelancer

I wasn’t certain that being a “top-rated” Upwork freelancer would make a difference. I figured that everyone on that platform is treated the same way. But it turns out that being an Upwork top-r...

millo.co > freelance-rate-card

How to Create a Freelance Rate Card (8 Examples for Inspiration)

Figuring out what to charge is one of the most difficult parts of freelancing. You set your own rates and pricing structure without a lot of outside information, and it can be hard to know what other ...

millo.co > how-to-answer-a-prospects-tricky-billing-question

How I answered when my client asked “will you lower your rates for us over time?”

Plenty of stand-up comedians have had fun skewering the silliness of the “What’s your greatest weakness?” question that job interviewers often ask. The two best comedic answers I’ve ever heard...

millo.co > freelance-pricing

Freelance Pricing Guide: Strategies, Tactics & Mistakes to Avoid

Have you ever had problems figuring out your freelance pricing? Even if you’ve been freelancing for a long time, pricing might still be a challenging task for you. The reason is that money is us...

millo.co > freelance-marketing-strategies

7 Freelance Marketing Strategies that Actually Work

If you’re looking for a way to start earning some extra money, start a side business or create a full-time income, you may want to consider these freelance marketing strategies. Here’s the current...

millo.co > gracefully-tell-client-youre-raising-rates

How to gracefully tell a client you’re raising your rates

“How do I gracefully tell a client I am increasing my rates? I’m upping my hourly rate by about 35%, which is approximately a $12 increase. This client is bigger than any of my other clien...

millo.co > confidently-negotiate-rates-freelancer

How to confidently negotiate your rates as a freelancer

When most people think of negotiation, they think of hostages and they start to get nervous. But the negotiation phase is a good thing. It means your potential customer is very interested in your serv...