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6 Tips to overcome fear and find your focus in business

I remember my first freelance client and even my first job interview. I was nervous. I was scared. I didn’t want to fail. We’ve all felt like this before. But overcoming fear is critical to succe... > freelance-contracts

5 Tools for creating & managing freelance contracts

We talk a lot about freelance contracts at Millo, because it’s a vital part of your success as a freelancer. Depending on where you live, a handshake or even an email may not be enough to settle... > 14-freelance-design-mistakes-you-might-be-guilty-of

14 Freelancing mistakes you might be guilty of

This article contains a list of common mistakes that freelancers make. If you enjoy this article you may also want to read “10 Steps to becoming a successful freelancer” and “22 logo... > figure-target-ideal-client-online-6-steps

6 Steps to targeting your ideal client online

With so much activity happening on the web these days, reaching out to your target audience isn’t easy. You have to compete against many who have filled the SEO space with content as well as spa... > a-creative-freelancers-guide-to-personal-branding

A creative freelancer’s guide to personal branding

Branding is one of those buzzwords that we’re bombarded with on a daily basis. And it’s not for nothing. Branding is the secret sauce that makes a business of any size memorable. Some really know ... > 3-mistakes-keeping-you-in-the-feast-or-famine-cycle-and-how-you-can-break-out

3 Mistakes keeping you in the feast or famine cycle (and how you can break out!)

If you ask ten freelancers what their least favorite thing about freelancing is, I’ll bet money at least half of them say “uneven income.” The feast or famine cycle is the equivalent of the free... > where-to-find-freelance-business

5 Places I’ve discovered new freelance business (and you can too)

For those of you who’ve made the leap into full-time freelancing, the ebb and flow of new business can be especially unnerving. Hunting through dozens of freelance job websites every week can be exh... > should-i-list-my-prices-on-my-website

Should you list your prices on your website? (Here’s what I do)

It’s a conundrum many of us creative entrepreneurs face: do I list pricing (or typical pricing) on my website or not? Some entrepreneurs swear by it; others refuse…and both make valid argu... > grow-business-networking-guy-hates-networking

How I grow my business through networking (from a guy who hates “networking”)

Back in the day we had no budget for marketing. So my partner and I would hit up the local networking events every week. For the most part they were completely worthless, and soul-sucking. Everyone th... > how-to-negotiate-with-clients-and-vendors-like-a-pro-this-year

How to negotiate with clients (or anyone) like a pro this year

Negotiations always give me the jitters. Am I proposing a fair deal? Am I about to get swindled? Should I look elsewhere? Am I going to lose this project? Is this client going to be more stress than t...