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5 Tools for creating & managing freelance contracts

We talk a lot about freelance contracts at Millo, because it’s a vital part of your success as a freelancer. Depending on where you live, a handshake or even an email may not be enough to settle... > super-successful-client-onboarding-process

Client onboarding: How I turn 90% of prospects into paying customers

One of the most important things in getting steady work is having a set client onboarding process that will transform potential customers into paying clients. Once that client inquiry lands in your in... > 14-freelance-design-mistakes-you-might-be-guilty-of

14 Freelancing mistakes you might be guilty of

This article contains a list of common mistakes that freelancers make. If you enjoy this article you may also want to read “10 Steps to becoming a successful freelancer” and “22 logo... > recurring-revenue-and-retainer-based-clients

How to build recurring revenue from retainer-based clients

Retainers seem super complicated if you’ve never done them before. I know I used to be afraid of them because they seem like these big, scary monsters you just don’t know how you’ll tame. Then y... > ever-fund-business-credit-card

Should you ever fund your business with a credit card?

We were at the closing table, finalizing our first home purchase, when we found out. We were doing a complete gut renovation on this house, which means we couldn’t live in it for at least 6 months. ... > 3-easy-ways-turn-one-off-projects-long-term-clients

3 Easy ways to turn one-off projects into long-term clients

Let’s start with the obvious: not all of your clients are candidates for long-term relationships. Okay, so you’ve been hired to do a project for a client. Pretty straightforward, right? ... > how-to-negotiate-with-clients-and-vendors-like-a-pro-this-year

How to negotiate with clients (or anyone) like a pro this year

Negotiations always give me the jitters. Am I proposing a fair deal? Am I about to get swindled? Should I look elsewhere? Am I going to lose this project? Is this client going to be more stress than t... > top-tax-deductions-creative-entrepreneurs

The best last-minute purchases for major tax savings next year as a freelancer

The end of the year is upon us, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to save a little bit of cash next spring on your freelance business taxes. We want to help you rack up as many tax deduc... > 7-ways-save-startup-costs-wish-10-years-ago

7 Ways to save startup costs (that I wish I did 10 years ago!)

So you want to start a business? Or perhaps you just did? Are you mad? Bonkers? Insane? Lost your marbles? Quick, you still have time! Get outta here!! Run for your life. Run for the hills. Go on, go!... > web-design-client-doesnt-pay

What I do when a web design client doesn’t pay me

When it comes to getting paid, we run a pretty tight ship here at Web123, but it wasn’t always beer and skittles. A few years ago our Debtors used to always be sitting at $120,000+ outstanding. It f...