Page 22 of 570 results for Freelance Rate > freelance-traveling-world-6-pieces-advice

How to freelance while traveling the world: my 6 pieces of advice

Last year my wife (slash business partner) and I spent 4 months traveling Europe and the west coast of the U.S. We also didn’t miss a day of work the entire time, and every venture we were involved ... > freelance-translation-jobs

12 Best Freelance Translation Jobs Sites to Work at Home

Freelance translation jobs are increasingly sought out as the world globalizes. Not only are more people travelling and learning new languages, but businesses are competing in a global market and they... > how-to-promote-a-freelance-business-4-strategies-for-beginners

12 Ways to Promote Your Freelance Graphic Design Business

Whether you’re a brand new graphic designer or an established veteran, you can never have too many clients. But figuring out how to promote a graphic design business isn’t always easy. After all, ... > financial-aid-relief-funds-freelancers-coronavirus-covid-19

15 Financial Relief Funds for Freelancers During Covid-19

The quick spread of COVID-19 and many governments lack of foresight to include freelancers, solopreneurs, and independent contractors in financial stimuli have left many freelancers wondering where th... > client-relations

Good Client Relations: Turbochargers for Your Freelance Business

More and more frequently, jobs of all kinds—marketers, designers, developers, and writers to name a few—are being transformed from staff positions to freelance jobs. This new reality puts client r... > 17-tips-for-effective-freelance-business-planning

Freelance Business Plan Template + Guide

A freelance business plan is the ideal way to make quick progress as a freelancer. Sure, you already feel like you know exactly what you need to do — find more clients, deliver high-quality work wit... > freelancing-tips

23 Freelancing Tips from Pro Freelancers Who Are Crushing It

Considering making the leap into freelancing can fill you with all sorts of emotions — like terror, for example. Reading up on freelancing tips, it’s pretty overwhelming even thinking about it... > 6-ways-to-make-your-freelance-company-feel-more-legit-in-2020

6 Ways to Make Your Freelance Company Feel More Legit in 2024

Whether you’re just getting started as a freelancer or you’ve been in the game for a few years, imposter syndrome can be a real, debilitating issue. You know the feeling: wondering if you should u... > how-to-get-social-media-clients

How to Get Social Media Clients as a Freelance Marketer

So you’ve broken free and become a freelance marketer. This career choice offers you plenty of freedom, but now what? Do you know how to get social media clients regularly and start bringing in a pa... > feast-or-famine

How to Kill the Feast or Famine Cycle and Get Reliable Freelance Work Year-Round

The feast or famine cycle is the burden bearing down on many freelancer’s backs. However, that doesn’t mean freelancing isn’t a wonderful way to make your money. You get to parlay your specific ...