Page 2 of 40 results for Burnout > setting-up-an-ergonomic-home-office-freelancers-guide

Setting Up Your Home Office for Optimal Health and Productivity: A Guide for Freelancers

Not to be dramatic, but it felt like my whole life changed when my family purchased a house two years ago and I finally had my own office. For almost ten years, I worked wherever I could – usually i... > time-blocking-template

4 Time Blocking Templates for Taking Control of your Schedule

We live in an exciting time. Technology allows more and more jobs to be performed from anywhere, at any time. The answers to all of life’s mysteries (practically) can be found on the smartphone in o... > highest-paying-freelance-jobs

16 Highest Paying Freelance Jobs to Look for in 2023

It’s no secret that the freelance economy is booming. In fact, according to a recent study, nearly 59 million Americans (36% of the workforce) are freelancing. And while the majority of freelanc... > best-mac-productivity-apps

20 Best Mac Productivity Apps That Will Change the Way You Work

Productivity apps are designed to make your life easy. They can help you schedule your freelance life, avoid burnout, and get more work done quickly. If you are a freelance worker, you know how import... > monotasking

7 Ways Monotasking Can Make Freelancing Easier

Multitasking is something that every freelancer knows all about. After all, when you’re a solo entrepreneur, the buck stops with you. You’re responsible for everything from marketing to liaising w... > freelance-mistakes

9 Biggest Freelance Mistakes Everyone Makes—But You Can Avoid

Have you finally taken the plunge and become a freelancer? While there are lots of benefits to being a freelancer, there are some drawbacks that can happen if you make freelance mistakes. There are l... > too-much-work

Signs You’re Working Too Much + 5 Tips to Help

Most new freelancers wonder how they will get enough clients to really make a living. Few of them realize that, once you have built a business and shown that you have in-demand skills, it is easy to f... > scheduling-your-freelance-life

11 Tips to Schedule Your Freelance Life (and Crush It)

If you’re a freelancer, you know that scheduling your freelance life is essential to your success. Without a good plan, you easily get overwhelmed and fall behind on your projects. This blog pos... > these-client-communication-hacks-will-grow-your-business

8 Client Communication Skills to Grow Your Business Fast

Client communication is one of the most important ways to grow your service-based business. That’s because good client communication leads to happier clients. And happier clients means more referral... > freelance-blogs

15 Blogs for Freelancers: the 2023 Must-Read List

Are you an avid content marketer? An aspiring freelancer? Or simply a passionate reader who loves reading the work of freelancers in your fields of interest? Following top-quality freelance blogs is a...