Page 48 of 509 results for Day Rate > 3-mistakes-keeping-you-in-the-feast-or-famine-cycle-and-how-you-can-break-out

3 Mistakes keeping you in the feast or famine cycle (and how you can break out!)

If you ask ten freelancers what their least favorite thing about freelancing is, I’ll bet money at least half of them say “uneven income.” The feast or famine cycle is the equivalent of the free... > 10-awesome-apps-for-productivity-and-project-management

12 Awesome apps for productivity and project management

For me as a creative entrepreneur, picking the right app can be a daunting task. First of all, I’m the only one person who’s already wearing 15 different hats, so carving out time to look... > how-to-find-a-mastermind-group

How to find a mastermind group that transforms your business and keeps you focused

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. – Jim Rohn Subconsciously, we are greatly affected and influenced by the people we spend the most time interacting with (they do... > how-to-write-a-creative-proposal-that-converts

My 3-step guide to client pitches that convert like crazy

Chances are if you’re reading this, you’re tired of pitching your services to crickets. You feel like you’re constantly being solicited by the clients you don’t want, and can’t even get thos... > how-i-went-from-project-based-work-to-8-5k-in-monthly-recurring-revenue

How I went from project-based work to $8.5K+ in monthly recurring revenue

For the first year and a half of my adventure into freelancing, I was primarily a web designer. If someone needed a website, I would gladly design it for them. Sometimes I helped with some basic marke... > ever-fund-business-credit-card

Should you ever fund your business with a credit card?

We were at the closing table, finalizing our first home purchase, when we found out. We were doing a complete gut renovation on this house, which means we couldn’t live in it for at least 6 months. ... > should-i-list-my-prices-on-my-website

Should you list your prices on your website? (Here’s what I do)

It’s a conundrum many of us creative entrepreneurs face: do I list pricing (or typical pricing) on my website or not? Some entrepreneurs swear by it; others refuse…and both make valid argu... > my-secret-steady-money-freelance-designer

My secret to making steady money as a freelance designer

We share tips for making money as a freelancer here at Millo all the time. They include: upselling your design projects, generating passive income, specializing in a particular discipline or skill, a... > long-test-marketing-idea-giving

How long should you test a marketing idea before giving up?

Marketing. That dirty ‘M’ word. How dare they not warn you of it in design school. “Do good work” — they say. “Create a great portfolio” — they say. “Look after your clients�... > use-email-marketing-to-find-new-clients

How our agency uses email marketing to find new clients fast

When you’re ready to make a big purchase… let’s say a new computer… you probably go steps like these: First, you start getting tired of the old one. So you start browsing around some websites,...