Page 4 of 43 results for Sole Proprietor > proofreading-jobs

21 Legitimate Proofreading Jobs Sites for Beginners + Tips to Get Started

Interested to work as a freelance proofreader? You’d be happy to know that prospective freelance proofreading jobs pay well, even at the lowest end of the spectrum. According to Glassdoor, as of... > how-to-legally-start-a-freelance-business

How To Legally Start A Freelance Business In 9 Steps

Being a freelancer can be a liberating experience. It gives you the potential to work anywhere in the world, from your couch or a park bench. However, if you don’t want any trouble from the IRS, you... > freelance-writing-business

How to Set Up Your Freelance Writing Business For Success

Freelance writing as a side gig is a popular idea and a simple prospect. Setting up a legitimate freelance writing business, however, is a little bit more of an endeavor. It’s a process that may inv... > bookkeeper-software

10 Best Bookkeeper Software Solutions in September 2024

Accounting errors can cost you big time. Whether you accidentally bill a client incorrectly or miscalculate your supplies’ cost, you lose. Plus, come tax time, you won’t have an accurate reflectio... > help-me-name-my-design-business-tips-on-naming-yours

How to Name Your Graphic Design Business (Ideas & Tips 2023)

So you’re a seasoned design professional with years of valuable experience and the right tools to start your graphic design business, but you’ve hit a wall in the creative process. You don’t hav... > when-are-quarterly-taxes-due

When are Quarterly Taxes Due? + Answers to All Your Quarterly Tax Questions

With most freelancers, quarterly taxes are deeply misunderstood. While knowing answers to questions like “When are Quarterly Taxes Due?” may seem like a huge pain, the truth is quarterly t... > self-employment-tax-calculator

Self employment tax calculator to help you estimate what you might owe

Even though most people who are self employed really love it, there are some things that they also hate about it — most notably, self employment taxes. However, learning how to use a self employment... > important-financial-skills-every-entrepreneur-possess

The most important financial skills every entrepreneur should possess

Starting your own business can be a real adventure, but if you want to be successful you’ll need more than passion. You will also need to know how to manage the money your company spends and earns s... > how-to-find-hire-and-work-with-an-accountant

How to find, hire, and work with a great accountant

It can be expensive to work with an accountant. Do you really need one? And what, beyond filing your tax return, should you use them for? If you’re serious about growing your business, the right acc... > how-to-build-and-scale-a-virtual-creative-agency-in-2024

How To Build And Scale A Virtual Creative Agency In 2024

Building a virtual creative agency feels daunting, and I felt the same when I started my SEO agency. But in 2024, having your own business is a lot more viable thanks to modern tech like Slack and inn...