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Prospecting on autopilot: the key to always having work as a freelancer

Finding new customers is how you keep consistent money flowing. But without actually doing the work and turning in the deliverables — you won’t get paid. At times, it seems like you’re both the ... > focus-getting-clients-holiday-season

Why you should focus on getting clients this holiday season

Are you taking it easy this holiday season? If you run a thriving business, maybe you can afford to take a month off. But the truth is that many companies are doing two things right now: Scrambling to... > 3-ways-turn-free-time-client-getting-time-today

3 Email templates that will turn free time into client-getting time, today

If you find you have a lot of free time… but not enough clients… this is for you. UPDATE: You can now download this script + 14 more proven templates for getting new clients, following up, and b... > 3-mistakes-keeping-you-in-the-feast-or-famine-cycle-and-how-you-can-break-out

3 Mistakes keeping you in the feast or famine cycle (and how you can break out!)

If you ask ten freelancers what their least favorite thing about freelancing is, I’ll bet money at least half of them say “uneven income.” The feast or famine cycle is the equivalent of the free... > how-i-went-from-project-based-work-to-8-5k-in-monthly-recurring-revenue

How I went from project-based work to $8.5K+ in monthly recurring revenue

For the first year and a half of my adventure into freelancing, I was primarily a web designer. If someone needed a website, I would gladly design it for them. Sometimes I helped with some basic marke... > grow-business-networking-guy-hates-networking

How I grow my business through networking (from a guy who hates “networking”)

Back in the day we had no budget for marketing. So my partner and I would hit up the local networking events every week. For the most part they were completely worthless, and soul-sucking. Everyone th... > this-client-getting-tactic-worked-so-well-i-actually-had-to-stop-using-it

This client-getting tactic worked so well… I actually had to stop using it.

Last year I attended a digital marketing conference in San Fran. I had three objectives: Learn cool stuff I could use for my own businesses and to help my clients. Pick up potential clients. Eat a lot... > how-to-find-clients-in-a-new-city

How to find clients in a new city

If you’ve ever experienced the “joy” of moving* (especially if you’ve accumulated furniture), you know that not only are you learning the ropes in a new community personally, b... > 5-super-fun-and-easy-marketing-tips-for-your-design-business

5 Super Fun (and Easy) Marketing Tips for Your Design Business

When you decide go freelance you have to do more than just design. You have to run your business. I won’t lie, running a design business can be tough, but it can be a lot of fun too. Now, IR...