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How to Host A Website to Get Your Freelance Portfolio Online

Every website needs to be hosted. It’s a requirement. As a freelancer, hosting a website is the ONLY way to get your website published and visible to everyone on the web. If you sell a product or o... > zipbooks-vs-wave

ZipBooks vs Wave: Features, Price, Pros and Cons, What’s Best in 2024?

The $1.3 trillion gig economy is scaling at a CAGR of 5%. Freelancers are spoilt for choices when it comes to accounting software. Two of the top options to choose between are ZipBooks and Wave Apps. ... > become-a-freelancer-on-upwork

How to Become a Freelancer on Upwork (Fast Guide)

If you are looking to become a freelancer on Upwork, then this guide is for you. The platform allows you to grow your profile and gain experience with some of the biggest names in the industry. One of... > invoice-number

What’s an Invoice Number? (and Why is it so Important?)

Something as simple as an invoice number plays a bigger role in your freelance business than you might think. Obviously, invoices are important. Without them, you don’t get paid. What is less obviou... > freelance-retainer

Freelance Retainers 101: How to Collect Monthly Retainer Fees

A freelance retainer is by far the best way to stabilize your income as a freelancer. But figuring out how to structure your pricing as a freelancer can be difficult when you’re first starting out. ... > understanding-these-project-management-tips-will-help-you-become-a-successful-freelancer

Understanding These Project Management Tips Will Help You Become a Successful Freelancer

One of the essential aspects of a stable freelance business are your project management skills, because they can influence your revenue and liabilities positively. Moreover, it eventually influences c... > what-kind-of-freelance-work-can-i-do

31 Kinds of Freelance Work You Can Do in 2024

Many freelancers are living the dream. They work when they want, where they want, and with who they want. Maybe you’ve dreamed of joining the millions of other freelancers who have taken control... > be-your-own-boss

How to Be Your Own Boss

Almost everyone has considered leaving their day job at one time or another. Working seemingly endless hours for someone else, knowing that you could do things better and faster on your own is incredi... > how-to-answer-a-prospects-tricky-billing-question

How I answered when my client asked “will you lower your rates for us over time?”

Plenty of stand-up comedians have had fun skewering the silliness of the “What’s your greatest weakness?” question that job interviewers often ask. The two best comedic answers I’ve ever heard... > who-hires-copywriters

Who Hires Copywriters? Tips for Getting Copywriting Clients

A copywriter uses words to drive people to take the desired action. Over time, copywriting has become synonymous with selling a product or service, but making a purchase is just one of the calls to ac...