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How to Confidently Negotiate Freelance Rates with Clients

As a freelancer, you have to operate your career as a business. You may be highly skilled in your service, but you’ll also have to learn how to sell that service. That’s where negotiation ... > client-gifts

169 Client Gift Ideas to ‘Wow’ Your Clients in 2024

Client gifts aren’t just a kind gesture you should consider at the end of each year. Sending client gifts any time of the year shows that you appreciate their business and care enough to plan ahead ... > i-burned-out-on-freelancing-heres-how-to-recover

I Burned Out on Freelancing—Here’s How to Recover

Once upon a time, there was a freelancer who thought he’d never burnout. He was young, he was in love with his job, he was making a lot of money, and he felt invincible. He didn’t mind burning the... > freelance-ideas

33 Freelance Ideas You Can Start Today (From Home, For Free)

This past year the world has had to embrace a new normal. Which means millions of people have been left to explore freelance ideas as a way to make up for lost jobs, furloughs, or other unfortunate tr... > how-to-offer-a-professional-discount-without-cheapening-your-services

How to Write a Discount Offer Email + 3 Copy/Paste Templates

Giving discounts to clients or customers via email can be a great marketing strategy to spark a little energy into your business and drive sales for the month. But writing an email for giving discount... > i-quiet-quit-my-freelancing-heres-what-happened

I “Quiet Quit” My Freelancing. Here’s What Happened.

At 25 years old, I became a six-figure translator. I had been working on my freelance business since I was 19, and now I felt like the world was at my feet. I couldn’t care less about the 12-hour wo... > how-to-avoid-scope-creep-as-a-freelancer

How to Avoid Scope Creep as a Freelancer

If you’ve been freelancing for more than a day or two you have probably experienced scope creep. It looks something like this: [Phone rings; it’s your client] You: Hello? Client: Hey! I was up in ... > collective-com-review Review: I’ve Used for 3 Years—Still Good?

Collective is an all-in-one financial solution for freelancers and solopreneurs making $100,000+ per year. This review will share my experience (the good and the bad) as a Collective me... > 6-ways-freelancers-can-expand-their-reach-online

6 Ways Freelancers Can Expand Their Reach Online

Expanding your reach and establishing a local presence is critical for freelancers looking to consistently get new clients and grow their business. While word-of-mouth referrals have traditionally bee... > freelancing-isnt-working-should-i-give-up

I’m Failing as a Freelancer … Should I Give Up?

When you start freelancing, everything feels so exciting. You’re finally working for yourself! You say goodbye to having a boss, attending boring meetings, and commuting every day to a job you hate....