Page 2 of 17 results for Mockup > tools-for-freelancers

100+ Best tools for freelancers who never want to have a boss again

Here’s a tough truth about freelancing: no one tells you how much of your time you’ll be spending on actually running your business. Lucky for you, there’s no shortage of tools for f... > best-wireframe-tools

11 Best wireframe tools for prototyping your next web + app design

With every web or mobile app development process, you start out by creating the structure and layout. With this step, though, comes with deciding on the best wireframe tools to utilize for your projec... > how-to-rock-your-freelance-portfolio-even-if-youre-a-beginner

How to rock your freelance portfolio, even if you’re a beginner

As a freelancer, there’s nothing scarier than coming across that dreaded “please send your portfolio” line, right? Especially when you’re just starting out. What could you show your potential ... > should-freelancers-work-directly-with-clients-or-hire-a-middle-man

Should freelancers work directly with clients or hire a middle man?

Some may call it the lazy way to freelance, but I like to think of it as a way to focus your time on the projects instead of looking for them. First off – if you’re unfamiliar with what (or who) a... > 10-awesome-apps-for-productivity-and-project-management

12 Awesome apps for productivity and project management

For me as a creative entrepreneur, picking the right app can be a daunting task. First of all, I’m the only one person who’s already wearing 15 different hats, so carving out time to look... > build-stellar-portfolio-land-first-freelance-gig

How to build a stellar portfolio to land your very first freelance gig

Deciding to jump into freelancing is an awesome, scary, exciting rush of emotions. Unless you have money set aside, you’re probably still working your “regular” job until things real... > four-brilliant-ways-to-handle-client-changes-you-dont-want-to-make

Four brilliant ways to handle client changes you don’t want to make

Let’s say you’ve spent hours on designing a website mockup for a new client, only to have a huge list of changes sent back that will for sure ruin your work. Have you ever dealt with a client ...