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How to Become an AI Freelancer in 2024

So, being an AI freelancer sounds pretty good. You’ve got the skills and the passion, and you want to break out on your own to show what you can do on your terms. Working for another party can be st... > remote-graphic-design-jobs

The 7 Best Remote Graphic Design Jobs Sites for Getting Design Clients in 2023

The future of work is here—a reported 63% of companies offer remote positions. This means finding remote graphic design jobs is easier than ever before. If you’ve been dreaming about switching fro... > freelance-affiliate-marketing

How To Make Money With Freelance Affiliate Marketing + 3 Sites To Find Jobs

It’s no wonder freelance affiliate marketing is on the rise since affiliate marketing is one of the most popular techniques for generating sales and building a passive income. The marketing strategy... > freelance-writing-niches

24 Freelance Writing Niches to Dial in on Your Ideal Clients

You probably heard it over and over again in school and at the beginning of your career, but it bears mentioning yet again: writing is one of the most important skills you can learn. Every single indu... > remote-marketing-jobs

Remote Marketing Jobs Sites for Going Freelance in 2024

Work is different than it used to be. Odds are, if you’re coming to Millo, you already know the value of freelancing, a non-traditional schedule and being less tied-down to the geographic location o... > writing-websites

38 Writing Websites to Level Up Your Freelance Writing Career

Some of the world’s most famous writers, such as Franz Kafka, H.P. Lovecraft, and Herman Melville, didn’t achieve fame for their work during their lifetime. Many good writers in those days either ... > freelance-journalist

Freelance Journalist Guide: Salary, Skills + 7 Sites to Find Jobs

Does writing about the topics you’re truly interested in and invested in sound like a dream come true? How about being able to write wherever and whenever you get an opportunity to do so? If you’r... > what-kind-of-freelance-work-can-i-do

31 Kinds of Freelance Work You Can Do in 2024

Many freelancers are living the dream. They work when they want, where they want, and with who they want. Maybe you’ve dreamed of joining the millions of other freelancers who have taken control... > freelance-art-jobs

10 Top Freelance Art Jobs Sites to Find Creative Work in 2024

Finding freelance art jobs doesn’t have to be difficult. Because of the nature of freelance work, it’s hard to get a solid number on how many freelancers there are in the world. Based on estimates... > freelance-designing-worth-it

Is Freelancing Worth it in 2024? The Answer is Yes: Here’s Why

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the ways that we live and work, people are increasingly looking for new ways to make a living. Perhaps you’ve been laid off, furloughed, or had your hour...