Page 7 of 172 results for Freelance Profile > freelance-journalist

Freelance Journalist Guide: Salary, Skills + 7 Sites to Find Jobs

Does writing about the topics you’re truly interested in and invested in sound like a dream come true? How about being able to write wherever and whenever you get an opportunity to do so? If you’r... > freelance-vs-self-employed

Freelance vs Self Employed: What Are the Main Differences?

Most of us have had to fill out a form at one time or another asking about our “employment.” For most people, this is pretty straightforward. They check the box that says “full-time” or “par... > freelance-animation-jobs

5 Freelance Animation Jobs Sites + Best Types of Animation Jobs To Consider

Animation is an exciting industry, and a lot of creative people have participated in creating some incredible animated content over the years. It’s easy to see a Pixar film or a clever children’s ... > become-a-freelancer-on-upwork

How to Become a Freelancer on Upwork (Fast Guide)

If you are looking to become a freelancer on Upwork, then this guide is for you. The platform allows you to grow your profile and gain experience with some of the biggest names in the industry. One of... > how-to-list-freelance-work-on-linkedin

How to List Freelance Work on LinkedIn the Right Way

Every freelancer knows how hard it is to find a job these days. It doesn’t matter if you have just started freelancing or if you are a seasoned vet, finding that new gig is never easy. While som... > what-kind-of-freelance-work-can-i-do

31 Kinds of Freelance Work You Can Do in 2024

Many freelancers are living the dream. They work when they want, where they want, and with who they want. Maybe you’ve dreamed of joining the millions of other freelancers who have taken control... > 9-freelance-copywriting-resources-you-cant-work-without

9+ Freelance Copywriting Resources You Can’t Work Without

With all its benefits, it’s no surprise that working as a freelance copywriter is becoming an increasingly sought-after career path for many up-and-coming professionals. Getting free rein over t... > how-to-become-a-freelance-accountant

How to Become a Freelance Accountant & Find More Jobs

Working for a firm, though a goal for many, is not your only option as an accountant. Fortunately for today’s qualified workers, the gig economy is flourishing, and it offers accountants another opp... > freshbooks-vs-xero

FreshBooks vs Xero: Which Freelance Accounting Tool is Right for You?

A cost-effective yet powerful cloud-based accounting tool is a must-have for any small to medium-sized business today. From sending invoices and paying bills, to keeping track of inventory and automat... > freelance-writer-website

The Importance of Having a Freelance Writer Website + 5 Great Examples

As a freelancer, you may have wondered if you should have your own freelance writer website—or if you need one to begin with. We’re here to tell you that, yes, it’s absolutely recommended that y...