Page 59 of 615 results for how to get clients > build-stellar-portfolio-land-first-freelance-gig

How to build a stellar portfolio to land your very first freelance gig

Deciding to jump into freelancing is an awesome, scary, exciting rush of emotions. Unless you have money set aside, you’re probably still working your “regular” job until things real... > awesome-referral-generating-email-template-send-clientsright-now

5 Awesome referral-generating email templates for freelancers

Asking for referrals can be pretty nerve-wracking. The good news: If you do it right, you only have to do it once (per client). That’s the biggest value this post has to offer you. It gives you a pr... > say-promoting-freelance-business-social-media

What NOT to say when promoting your freelance business on social media

Social Media is notorious for being a hotbed for overly honest confessions, offensive rants, and embarrassing photos you don’t want your employer seeing. To an extent, that’s expected for one’s ... > web-design-client-doesnt-pay

What I do when a web design client doesn’t pay me

When it comes to getting paid, we run a pretty tight ship here at Web123, but it wasn’t always beer and skittles. A few years ago our Debtors used to always be sitting at $120,000+ outstanding. It f... > 7-signs-youre-approaching-business-burnout-save-late

7 Signs you’re approaching business burnout & how to save yourself before it’s too late

So the honeymoon phase is over with your freelance business huh? You’re starting to feel freelance burnout? Me too. I’ve been running my own business for more than five years and a few months ... > 23-cool-examples-of-transparent-business-cards-giveaway

23 Cool Examples of Transparent Business Cards + Giveaway

Remember when you were in college (maybe you still are) and you stressed to no end about your resume and portfolio? You were all about getting it perfect. “Just right.” It had to be impres... > 6-reasons-why-you-shouldnt-fear-design-outsourcing

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Fear Design Outsourcing

It seems I caused a little bit of a stir in my last post when I suggested you could potentially outsource some design tasks to cheaper labour in places like Manilla. I do love a hearty discussion so I... > client-threatens-bad-review

What to do if a client threatens you with a “bad review”

A few days ago, the phone rang at 10am. “Reliable! This is Lou,” my wife and business partner, Lou, said. (We run a design / marketing agency, but recently started Reliable: our new PSD to HTML &a... > 8-ways-to-build-your-business-fast-with-4-per-day-the-cost-of-a-daily-coffee

8 Ways to build your business fast with $4 per day (the cost of a daily coffee)

If you’ve ever looked into personal finance, you’ve probably heard some sort of advice that sounds something like this: “If you saved $4 every day instead of spending it on your morn... > what-kind-of-contract-should-i-use-for-small-or-ongoing-projects

What kind of contract should I use for small or ongoing projects?

Have you ever struggled to write a contract for ongoing work? You’re not alone. One Millo reader commented: Love the article you posted today about freelance with a contract. I’m curious,...