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9 Best Basecamp Alternatives For Easy Project Management

Are you looking for the best basecamp alternatives to help optimize collaboration and project management in your team? If you work in a team of more than two people, you must know the value of effecti... > best-freelance-websites

16 Best Freelance Websites to Get More Jobs in 2023

The world of work has transformed. Today’s employees don’t need a physical office space to remain productive. Instead, team members can be just as effective from a distance, thanks to many develop... > freelance-web-developer-jobs

14 Freelance Web Developer Jobs Sites to Get New Dev Clients

Knowing where to find high-quality freelance web developer jobs is critical to keeping your freelance dev business thriving. But with so many choices on where to actually find freelance web developer ... > topics-to-write-about-on-your-design-blog

100+ Design Topics to Write About on Your Design Blog

Whether you’re starting your own design blog, or need design topics to write about on other design blogs as a guest blogger, thinking of original graphic design blog topics can be a real struggle. S... > free-or-discounted-freelance-work

Should You Give Free or Discounted Work Due to COVID-19?

“My clients have been impacted by Coronavirus and they’re asking for a discount. What should I do?” This question, in essence, was posed recently in our free Freelance Mastermind Group on Facebo... > how-to-set-a-financial-goal-for-your-freelancing-business

How to Set the Right Financial Goals for Your Freelancing Business

My first year as a self-employed designer was a frightening whirlwind of stress, uncertainty, and just plain “winging it.” I had years of proven design skills under my belt, but I was sudd... > 6-ways-to-make-your-freelance-company-feel-more-legit-in-2020

6 Ways to Make Your Freelance Company Feel More Legit in 2024

Whether you’re just getting started as a freelancer or you’ve been in the game for a few years, imposter syndrome can be a real, debilitating issue. You know the feeling: wondering if you should u... > scope-creep-good-business-happens

Scope creep is great for your business—if you handle it like this

I remember receiving some bad news earlier in my career from a client that I was doing some identity work for. We’d finished the logo, moved on to the stationery, and were just about to wrap thi... > client-management

Client Management: The keys to communication, plus tips + tools to get it done

As anyone in business would agree, client management is crucial to not only your productivity but also the success of your business. So when did this become so important? The 20th century represents a... > how-i-routinely-pitch-and-win-5-figure-deals-as-a-freelancer

How I routinely pitch and win 5-figure deals as a freelancer

On your first day as a freelancer, you inherit a responsibility to be more than just a service provider. You’re now a business owner — a company of one. To succeed, you also need to become the acc...