Page 14 of 570 results for Freelance Rate > freelance-writer-salary

What’s an Average Freelance Writer Salary in 2024?

For a variety of reasons, freelance writing is rapidly becoming more popular. Opportunities abound, and the flexibility afforded in being your own boss is enough to have many people questioning—can ... > upfront-payment

Why Getting an Upfront Payment is Better for Your Freelance Business

Cash flow is one of the biggest issues that freelancers and small business owners struggle with.Thankfully, more people are embracing upfront payment structures in the gig economy. Although not a fool... > freelance-isnt-free-act

Everything You Need To Know About The Freelance Isn’t Free Act

Have you heard of the Freelance Isn’t Free Act? Despite the freedom and flexibility of freelancing, the practice exposes freelancers and other independent contractors to exploitation. Wage theft, fo... > freelance-job-sites

12 Top Freelance Job Sites to Get Clients in September 2024

People start freelancing for all kinds of reasons using different methods to get clients. Some use referrals, some scour freelance job sites. There are definitely some entrepreneurs out there who want... > freelance-writing-courses

9 Freelance Writing Courses To Level Up Your Writing Skills

In a 2013 interview, investor Warren Buffett famously said, ‘The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself…the more you learn, the more you’ll earn.’ These sentiments apply... > freelance-blogs

15 Blogs for Freelancers: the 2024 Must-Read List

Are you an avid content marketer? An aspiring freelancer? Or simply a passionate reader who loves reading the work of freelancers in your fields of interest? Following top-quality freelance blogs is a... > how-these-12-freelancers-make-over-100k-year

How 12 Freelancers Are Making Over $100,000 Per Year

As more and more people are saying, “see ya later!” to their typical job and joining the global freelance workforce, the biggest concern (rightfully so) is their paycheck. Can you support ... > freelance-programmer

13 Steps to Start & Thrive as a Freelance Programmer

Demand for freelance programmers will only grow in the following years. This situation encourages many to quit their corporate jobs and join the global labor market as a freelance programmer. Billions... > freelance-payment-terms

10 Freelance Payment Terms That Should Be In Your Contract

Long-time freelancers have learned this the hard way, and will tell you over and over again: have a contract with your client that includes relevant freelance payment terms. Operating without a contra... > creative-freelancer-here-is-why-your-business-and-personal-finances-need-to-break-up

Creative Freelancer? Here is Why your Business and Personal Finances Need to Break Up

Space is important in every relationship. And money is no exception. Just like with your ex, doing everything together may have worked when you were starting off. But in the long-run, this arrangement...