Page 2 of 121 results for Client Referral > freelance-job-sites

12 Top Freelance Job Sites to Get Clients in July 2024

People start freelancing for all kinds of reasons using different methods to get clients. Some use referrals, some scour freelance job sites. There are definitely some entrepreneurs out there who want... > how-to-get-web-design-clients

How to Get Web Design Clients: 10 Pro Tips to Get Work Now

Even if you’re a professional web designer with extraordinary talent and a diverse portfolio of projects, figuring out how to get web design clients and promote your business may be a difficult ... > reconnecting-with-old-clients-email-template

How to Reconnect With Old Clients (5 Email Templates Included)

After all of your hard work to gain clients, it makes sense that you want to keep the relationships built for as long as possible. Even if you are a freelancer, you should have a client retention stra... > 9-step-guide-to-attract-better-clients

My 9-Step Guide To Attracting “A-level” freelance clients

Remember that time you created the most amazing logo concepts for that client? You smashed it out of the park. Completely nailed the brief. So excited by your own ability you couldn’t wipe the smirk... > client-communication

8 Client Communication Skills to Grow Your Business Fast

Client communication is one of the most important ways to grow your service-based business. That’s because good client communication leads to happier clients. And happier clients means more referral... > who-hires-copywriters

Who Hires Copywriters? Tips for Getting Copywriting Clients

A copywriter uses words to drive people to take the desired action. Over time, copywriting has become synonymous with selling a product or service, but making a purchase is just one of the calls to ac... > when-and-how-you-should-turn-down-a-project-thats-not-for-you

How To Decline A Client Project 5 Ways (Politely & Respectfully)

As a freelancer, there will inevitably come a time when you’ll have to decline a project. Every professional working in the graphic design, website design, marketing, development, and writing indust... > 4-tips-for-finally-getting-paid-how-to-handle-invoice-disputes-the-right-way

How to Handle A Client Invoice Dispute + Avoid it From Happening Again

It was one of my biggest projects, and I was about to get paid a considerable amount of money for three months of work. Little did I know, a client invoice dispute was on the horizon. I was excited wh... > how-to-get-freelance-clients

How to Get Freelance Clients (7 Ideas That Work in 2023)

Learning how to get freelance clients on a regular basis can be tough. As a freelancer, you’re kind of in it on your own. Yes, you have wonderful community support from organizations online and loca... > client-management

Client Management: The keys to communication, plus tips + tools to get it done

As anyone in business would agree, client management is crucial to not only your productivity but also the success of your business. So when did this become so important? The 20th century represents a...