Page 3 of 122 results for Client Referral > struggling-to-find-clients-how-i-built-my-business-from-nothing

5 Pro Tactics to Get Graphic Design Clients Right Now

Learning how to get graphic design clients can be overwhelming. A simple Google search will reveal thousands of ideas—some untested, others outdated. But after working with thousands of freelancers ... > client-onboarding

Client onboarding guide for building a strong relationship from the get-go

They said ‘yes’! Landing a new client is easily one of the most exciting moments in a freelancer’s workflow. So good, in fact, that you may be tempted to channel all your enthusiasm into getting... > how-to-get-clients

How to get clients (fast) and grow your freelance business

Figuring out how to get clients is, hands down, one of the most difficult and ongoing struggles we have as freelancers and solopreneurs. In order to grow and obtain the ideal income you want, getting ... > how-to-get-clients-to-pay-tactics-for-invoicing-success

How to get clients to pay: Tactics for invoicing success

One of my earliest clients was a fashion design company in Los Angeles who asked me to create a print ad for use in one of the larger industry trade magazines. Excited to be creating a design with suc... > 3-steps-finding-high-paying-freelance-writing-clients-job-boards

How to find high-paying clients from job boards

You’ve got a great website, a clear niche, and you’re ready to start working as a full-time freelance writer. There’s just one problem: You can’t seem to find any clients – no matter what yo... > should-freelancers-work-directly-with-clients-or-hire-a-middle-man

Should freelancers work directly with clients or hire a middle man?

Some may call it the lazy way to freelance, but I like to think of it as a way to focus your time on the projects instead of looking for them. First off – if you’re unfamiliar with what (or who) a... > what-to-do-when-you-get-nervous-before-every-client-call

What to do when you get nervous before every client call

It’s one thing to be nervous before you call a new client to talk about all of zeroes on the end of your quote. Or to be nervous when you’ve got a call lined up with the big cheese you ran into a... > how-to-write-a-creative-proposal-that-converts

My 3-step guide to client pitches that convert like crazy

Chances are if you’re reading this, you’re tired of pitching your services to crickets. You feel like you’re constantly being solicited by the clients you don’t want, and can’t even get thos... > awesome-referral-generating-email-template-send-clientsright-now

5 Awesome referral-generating email templates for freelancers

Asking for referrals can be pretty nerve-wracking. The good news: If you do it right, you only have to do it once (per client). That’s the biggest value this post has to offer you. It gives you a pr... > client-threatens-bad-review

What to do if a client threatens you with a “bad review”

A few days ago, the phone rang at 10am. “Reliable! This is Lou,” my wife and business partner, Lou, said. (We run a design / marketing agency, but recently started Reliable: our new PSD to HTML &a...