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What’s a Rush Fee? And How to Calculate it

Many freelancers, agencies, or service providers utilize a rush fee in order to avoid last-minute panicked requests from clients. If you run a service business (like a freelancer or a contractor), eve... > using-ai-for-freelance-work

How To Use AI For Your Freelance Work

In today’s dynamic work environment, freelancing has gained immense popularity among professionals in a variety of fields. This rise in demand is in part due to the benefits that come with working i... > how-to-make-a-website-secure

How to Make a Website Secure on Google & Prevent Cyberattacks

With over 1.7 billion websites available today and more than a hundred thousand of them getting hacked daily, knowing how to make a website secure cannot be overstated. As the digital era continues to... > how-to-optimize-your-portfolio-for-massive-client-conversions

How to optimize your portfolio for massive client conversions

After working closely with freelancers (and freelancing myself) for over a decade, there’s one thing nearly all of us freelancers agree on: You’ve really got to rock your portfolio. It’s a no-br... > how-to-freelance

How To Become A Freelancer In 2024 (10-Step Guide for Success)

You’ve probably come across a ton of successful stories about people who started their freelancing career from scratch are now earning a six-figure salary. Their success may have swept you off y... > llc-business-loans

LLC Business Loans: How to Finance Your New Business

Millions of small business owners choose to structure their companies as limited liability companies, or LLCs. Not only does the LLC offer some tax flexibility, it also provides some important protect... > how-to-start-a-business-from-home

How to Start a Business from Home: The Ultimate Guide

It all starts here! Starting an at-home business is exciting, whether it’s a side hustle or a full-time thing. You get to be your own boss, and maybe even turn your startup into a multi-million-doll... > how-to-become-a-freelance-writer-with-no-experience

How to Become a Freelance Writer with No Experience: Step By Step Guide

Are you a budding wordsmith who is grappling with the question of how to become a freelance writer with no experience? It may seem like a daunting prospect at first, but there’s no need to feel stre... > what-to-do-when-a-client-doesnt-pay

What to Do When a Client Doesn’t Pay & How to Prevent It

Knowing what to do when a client doesn’t pay can be a real challenge. When you work for a client, you give them your time, your expertise, and your own personal touch. You give them a piece of y... > the-ultimate-guide-how-to-start-your-own-business

How to Start Your Own Business in 2024

Small businesses are the cornerstone of the economy, both nationally and globally. There are literally millions of them, and new ventures are being launched every day, as wannabe entrepreneurs test th...