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How to Break Up with a Client (Plus Examples)

Breaking up with a client can be a tough decision to make. But remember: everything in your business is an opportunity cost. When you say “yes” to bad clients, you’re saying “no” to better o... > freelancer-resume

How to Write a Freelancer Resume that Wins Clients

An effective freelancer resume can be the difference between getting ignored by clients and filling your client pipeline. If you’ve done any amount of freelancing, you know landing the best freelanc... > how-to-confidently-negotiate-freelance-rates-with-clients

How to Confidently Negotiate Freelance Rates with Clients

As a freelancer, you have to operate your career as a business. You may be highly skilled in your service, but you’ll also have to learn how to sell that service. That’s where negotiation ... > i-burned-out-on-freelancing-heres-how-to-recover

I Burned Out on Freelancing—Here’s How to Recover

Once upon a time, there was a freelancer who thought he’d never burnout. He was young, he was in love with his job, he was making a lot of money, and he felt invincible. He didn’t mind burning the... > how-to-offer-a-professional-discount-without-cheapening-your-services

How to Write a Discount Offer Email + 3 Copy/Paste Templates

Giving discounts to clients or customers via email can be a great marketing strategy to spark a little energy into your business and drive sales for the month. But writing an email for giving discount... > how-to-avoid-scope-creep-as-a-freelancer

How to Avoid Scope Creep as a Freelancer

If you’ve been freelancing for more than a day or two you have probably experienced scope creep. It looks something like this: [Phone rings; it’s your client] You: Hello? Client: Hey! I was up in ... > how-to-make-money-facebook-freelancer

How to Make Money on Facebook as a Freelancer (July 2024)

For freelancers looking to boost their income or create new revenue streams, Facebook is a potential gold mine. This stalwart of the social media scene can not only help you generate more income for y... > how-to-make-your-social-media-approval-process-easier

How to Make Your Social Media Approval Process Easier 

Social media management is not as easy as some people might imagine. You might have a sudden burst of inspiration and creativity—you’ve come up with the perfect way to hop on a current trend and r... > how-to-scale-freelance-business

How to Scale a Freelance Business (the Right Way)

One thing is clear: the future is freelance. By 2027, freelancers are expected to become the majority workforce in the U.S. This makes the present the perfect time to learn how to scale your freelance... > how-to-start-a-podcast-and-make-money

How to Start a Podcast and Make Money in 2024

Podcasting has come a long way from its origins in the 1980s (when it was originally called audio blogging) and has become a highly-accessible medium through which to entertain, share expertise, tell ...