Page 4 of 36 results for Client Onboarding > solidgigs-review

I Tried Getting Jobs Through SolidGigs—Here’s How it Went

SolidGigs is a service that emails you hand-picked freelance jobs alerts. For a small monthly fee (currently $21 per month) you will get access to the best 1% of freelance jobs in the world, according... > 1099-vs-w2

1099 vs W2: What’s the Difference as a Freelancer?

My dad, a CPA, always told me, “There’s only two things in life that are certain: death, and taxes.” He may have copied that from someone else, but the sentiment holds true today. Taxes are a pa... > freelance-wordpress-plugin

10 Essential Freelance WordPress Plugins For Developers & Designers

One of the most lucrative career paths is freelance WordPress development and design. With many businesses needing to shift operations online (one, due to pandemic, and two, for marketing possibilitie... > how-to-take-your-business-to-the-next-level-with-freelance-automation

How to Take Your Business to the Next Level with Freelance Automation

Working as a freelancer is a dream for many — but it can quickly become overwhelming as you juggle dozens of clients and deadlines while trying to keep up with business tasks like billing, taxes, ma... > web-projects-management

10 Best Web Projects Management Software + How to Set Up for Success

Web projects management matters because it sets the entire tone for a task. With the right plan, everyone is on the same page and you finish tasks in an orderly manner. Everyone works more efficiently... > how-i-changed-my-business-model-to-succeed-even-during-tough-times

How I Changed My Business Model to Succeed Even During Tough Times

In 2015, I was a starving freelancer. For the entire first year of my freelancing business, I was in this constant path of learning how to be a business owner (and still am to this day). There were ti...