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Understanding freelancing insurance + do you need it?

The Freelancer’s Union recently announced the ability for members to purchase liability insurance. But as freelance designers, do we really need it? Truthfully, when I read the “hey, we’... > what-freelancing-is-not

What freelancing is not.

There are a lot of stigmas about what freelancing is like. Blogs like this one tell you about how to start a freelance business, how to find more freelance clients, and how to get paid more as a freel... > what-to-do-when-you-cant-finish-a-project-on-time

What to do when you can’t finish a project on time

Freelancers and entrepreneurs are optimistic by nature. If we weren’t, we’d do the bare minimum in life to get by. We wouldn’t be running our own businesses. We’d be working at... > we-vs-i-the-best-pronoun-for-a-freelance-business

“We” vs “I” – the best pronoun for a freelance business

If you’re like me, once you started using your official business name, “we” vs “I” became a big issue. Which sounds better? Am I misrepresenting myself if I use we? What ... > how-i-went-from-losing-my-job-to-being-a-profitable-freelancer-in-18-months

How I went from losing my job to being a profitable freelancer in 18 months

If you would’ve told me when I got laid off I’d have a profitable freelance design business a mere 18 months later, I’d have laughed at your absurdity. Heck, I may have even snorted.... > is-it-okay-to-use-templates-and-themes-as-a-freelance-designer

Is it okay to use templates and themes as a freelance designer?

Have you ever used a theme or a template on one of your freelance web design projects? I have. And I’m (in my humble opinion) a good designer and coder. I’ve built tons of websites both fo... > how-long-should-a-designer-fight-a-clients-poor-design-decision

How long should a designer fight a client about a poor design decision?

If you’ve been designing for long, you’ve experienced a scenario like I am going through right now: You’ve met with your client, discussed the details of the project, signed a contra... > design-stickers-sell-products

13 Tips on Designing Awesome Stickers That Sell More Products

Whether you’re attempting to sell your own products or trying to help your clients sell their products by offering great design, learning how to design a sticker that will make products fly of t... > why-some-freelancers-get-rich

Why some freelance designers become rich while others don't

Take a moment and scan the web for successful freelance designers. I mean financially successful freelance designers. I’m not talking about designers who have a great following on their blog, I&... > how-sketching-will-take-your-design-process-to-the-next-level

How sketching will take your design process to the next level

For a long time now it’s been evident that soon technology will rule the world (if it doesn’t already). It seems as though every day surprising amounts of new electronic gadgets are introduced, an...