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How to get clients (fast) and grow your freelance business

Figuring out how to get clients is, hands down, one of the most difficult and ongoing struggles we have as freelancers and solopreneurs. In order to grow and obtain the ideal income you want, getting ... > location-killing-freelance-business

Is your location killing your freelance business?

One of the beautiful things about being a freelance designer is the freedom to live where you want, be it within walking distance of the ocean, near family, or three floors above the most awesome coff... > 5-mistakes-freelancers-make-looking-new-clients

5 Mistakes freelancers make when looking for new clients

Those having a hard time getting their freelance business off the ground say that finding clients is their biggest hurdle. However, for those who’ve been doing this for years now, looking for new on... > 8-essential-elements-social-media-marketing-strategy

8 Essential elements of a social media marketing strategy

Social Media has transformed the whole marketing concept since the time of its inception. Today no business organization, regardless of their size, operating-sector and preferences, can afford to stay... > 3-marketing-hacks-used-build-5kmonth-freelance-business-4-months

3 Marketing hacks I used to build a $5K/mo freelance business in 4 months

In April 2015, I got fired from my full-time job. By August, I had built a freelance writing business that was bringing in $5k+/month. I didn’t have a degree, a network, or any experience running a ... > 55-questions-to-ask-when-designing-a-logo

55+ Questions to ask when designing a logo

Knowing which questions to ask when designing a logo can be difficult. You don’t want to look stupid by asking the wrong kinds of questions. You don’t want to overwhelm your client by aski... > how-to-sell-the-heck-out-of-your-design-services-in-the-coolest-non-sleaziest-way

How to Sell the Heck Out of Your Design Services… In the Coolest, Non-Sleaziest Way

I’m an artist first. I care about creating beautiful, functional things more than anything else. If I could just sit in a room all day and create and pay the bills – well, that’d be just fin... > 40-tips-for-brand-new-freelance-designers-2

40 Tips for brand-new freelance designers

The switch to becoming a freelance designer is difficult because you have to learn how to handle yourself and your client. When I started out finding remote graphic design work, I was completely cluel... > the-5-phases-of-logo-design

The 5 phases of professional logo design

If you’re feeling a bit hesitant when it comes to designing your first logo, never fear. I’ve got 5 simple phases of logo design you can follow in order to create masterful logos every tim... > how-to-build-and-scale-a-virtual-creative-agency-in-2024

How To Build And Scale A Virtual Creative Agency In 2024

Building a virtual creative agency feels daunting, and I felt the same when I started my SEO agency. But in 2024, having your own business is a lot more viable thanks to modern tech like Slack and inn...