Page 17 of 166 results for Target Audience > 8-quick-tips-to-improve-client-relationships-overnight

8 Quick tips to improve client relationships overnight

Y’know that guy – one of your peers who always seems to get the very best clients? He who: Never has a problem with late payments. Doesn’t have to haggle pricing on rush projects. Ma... > build-stellar-portfolio-land-first-freelance-gig

How to build a stellar portfolio to land your very first freelance gig

Deciding to jump into freelancing is an awesome, scary, exciting rush of emotions. Unless you have money set aside, you’re probably still working your “regular” job until things real... > say-promoting-freelance-business-social-media

What NOT to say when promoting your freelance business on social media

Social Media is notorious for being a hotbed for overly honest confessions, offensive rants, and embarrassing photos you don’t want your employer seeing. To an extent, that’s expected for one’s ... > 7-signs-youre-approaching-business-burnout-save-late

7 Signs you’re approaching business burnout & how to save yourself before it’s too late

So the honeymoon phase is over with your freelance business huh? You’re starting to feel freelance burnout? Me too. I’ve been running my own business for more than five years and a few months ... > 5-super-fun-and-easy-marketing-tips-for-your-design-business

5 Super Fun (and Easy) Marketing Tips for Your Design Business

When you decide go freelance you have to do more than just design. You have to run your business. I won’t lie, running a design business can be tough, but it can be a lot of fun too. Now, IR... > is-it-okay-to-use-templates-and-themes-as-a-freelance-designer

Is it okay to use templates and themes as a freelance designer?

Have you ever used a theme or a template on one of your freelance web design projects? I have. And I’m (in my humble opinion) a good designer and coder. I’ve built tons of websites both fo...