Page 23 of 370 results for Client Base > excel-invoice-template

How to Create An Excel Invoice Template (+ 3 Free Templates)

Are you looking to create professional and high-quality invoices for your business? Using a Google Docs or Excel invoice template is one of the best ways to ensure that your invoices are neat, legible... > freelance-rate-card

How to Create a Freelance Rate Card (8 Examples for Inspiration)

Figuring out what to charge is one of the most difficult parts of freelancing. You set your own rates and pricing structure without a lot of outside information, and it can be hard to know what other ... > how-to-make-money-as-a-content-creator

How to Make Money as a Content Creator in 2024

If you Google “How to make money as a content creator?” you get 73,20,00,000 results. That’s not surprising. Every content creator aims to engage and convert quality leads and genera... > freelance-vs-employee

Freelance vs Employee: 8 Tips to Choose the Best Option for You

The question of being a freelance vs employee is more important to the modern workforce than ever before. 2021 came to be defined as the year of the Great Resignation. According to the U.S. Bureau of ... > freelance-writer-salary

What’s an Average Freelance Writer Salary in 2024?

For a variety of reasons, freelance writing is rapidly becoming more popular. Opportunities abound, and the flexibility afforded in being your own boss is enough to have many people questioning—can ... > upfront-payment

Why Getting an Upfront Payment is Better for Your Freelance Business

Cash flow is one of the biggest issues that freelancers and small business owners struggle with.Thankfully, more people are embracing upfront payment structures in the gig economy. Although not a fool... > get-paid-to-write

8 Ways to Get Paid to Write + Where to Find Writing Gigs

Everyone could use a little extra money. If you know how to get paid to write, you can earn that money online from the comfort of your home—or anywhere else with an internet connection. However, you... > wordpress-developer-jobs

11 Sites to Find WordPress Developer Jobs Online

It’s no secret the WordPress community is growing. All over the web, blogs are written about the platform, hundreds of plugins are created every year, and it’s used by over 40% of the web from... > upwork-proposals

How to Write Upwork Proposals That WIN

One of the most frustrating things as a freelancer is sending Upwork proposals and never hearing back. There is no way around it. It doesn’t feel good to spend hours putting together just the right ... > how-ai-can-transform-your-freelance-career

How AI Can Transform Your Freelance Career

One of the biggest myths about artificial intelligence (AI) is that it’ll replace human beings in work. This is because AI has proven to complete tasks faster and more accurately than human beings. ...