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The reality is that freelancers are happy and prospering

The gig economy is on the rise. Freelance statistics reveal more people are freelancing than ever before in almost every region on the world. But is it a good or a bad thing? Opinions in this field va... > how-to-write-an-invoice

How to write an invoice (and get paid) in 5 easy steps

If you provide any sort of service or product to a client or customer, then you need to properly learn how to write an invoice. Learning how to write an invoice can be incredibly simple, but there are... > how-i-brought-in-20k-of-freelance-work-in-7-days-by-hacking-angellist

How I hacked my way to $20K of AngelList jobs in 7 Days

I’ve tried almost every method of finding clients, short of busking on the street. I even met a client in line for coffee once! I found clients using sites like Upwork, I’ve used Facebook groups, ... > 12-essential-tools-to-start-grow-your-freelance-business

13 Essential tools to start (& grow) your freelance business

There was a time when people could only dream of having a job in which they could pick their own working hours and location. Today, that’s a reality that millions of people are enjoying across the g... > wordpress-alternatives

15 Best WordPress alternatives for your next website (How to choose)

Whether you’re interested in starting a blog or building your online portfolio you’ve probably had at least one person recommend WordPress as the website builder or content management of c... > best-business-books

51 Best Business Books for Thriving at Solopreneurship

If you’re looking to gain knowledge, motivation, or just some good business advice — look no further. We’ve asked 5 people to share with us the best business books they would recommend. ... > price-increase-letter

How to Write a Price Increase Letter to Get Paid More (Free Template)

An effective price increase letter can be the difference between barely making ends meet each month and having more than enough. The idea of sending your client a price increase letter can leave you w... > self-employment-tax-calculator

Self employment tax calculator to help you estimate what you might owe

Even though most people who are self employed really love it, there are some things that they also hate about it — most notably, self employment taxes. However, learning how to use a self employment... > 3-ways-to-bring-more-freedom-to-your-freelance-business-without-sacrificing-income

3 Ways to bring more freedom to your freelance business (without sacrificing income)

FREEDOM. Isn’t that one of the reasons you decided to go into business for yourself? Freedom to: Work with whom you want Work when you want Work the hours you want Work where you want Charge how muc... > what-to-write-about

25 Things to write about when you’re feeling stuck

A common scene in movies is this of a miserable writer with no idea what to write about who struggles for days or months to write a few sentences without success. A dramatic change in his/her life (us...