Page 51 of 570 results for Freelance Rate > when-are-quarterly-taxes-due

When are Quarterly Taxes Due? + Answers to All Your Quarterly Tax Questions

With most freelancers, quarterly taxes are deeply misunderstood. While knowing answers to questions like “When are Quarterly Taxes Due?” may seem like a huge pain, the truth is quarterly t... > struggling-to-find-clients-how-i-built-my-business-from-nothing

5 Pro Tactics to Get Graphic Design Clients Right Now

Learning how to get graphic design clients can be overwhelming. A simple Google search will reveal thousands of ideas—some untested, others outdated. But after working with thousands of freelancers ... > who-gets-a-1099

Determining Who Gets a 1099-MISC Form and When it’s Due

Taxes for any business, large or small, can be daunting — especially for those just starting out. They leave you with so many questions…who gets a 1099? What is a 1099? When are my taxes due? ... > 15-best-freelancing-courses-for-beginners

15 Best Freelancing Courses for Beginners to Expand Your Skillset

Working as a freelancer has a lot of advantages. You can earn more money, enjoy flexible hours, and control your workload. It can be intimidating for someone who is just starting on this journey, and ... > how-to-write-an-invoice

How to write an invoice (and get paid) in 5 easy steps

If you provide any sort of service or product to a client or customer, then you need to properly learn how to write an invoice. Learning how to write an invoice can be incredibly simple, but there are... > value-based-pricing

Value-based pricing will change your business: here’s what it is and how it works

As an individual contractor, freelancer, or independent entrepreneur, you may have run across the term value-based pricing (VBP) when formulating your business plan and pricing strategy. So, just what... > how-i-brought-in-20k-of-freelance-work-in-7-days-by-hacking-angellist

How I hacked my way to $20K of AngelList jobs in 7 Days

I’ve tried almost every method of finding clients, short of busking on the street. I even met a client in line for coffee once! I found clients using sites like Upwork, I’ve used Facebook groups, ... > how-i-reached-a-six-figure-income-in-my-first-year-of-freelancing

How I reached six-figures in my first year of freelancing

Freelancing is a great way to make a living. You get to spend your career working on interesting and rewarding projects, working flexible hours and having the freedom to live and work where you choose... > i-hate-my-boss

What to do if you hate your boss (but can’t quit yet)

It’s a pretty common complaint among desk-jobbers: “I hate my boss.” Most people, unfortunately, do not have the luxury of choosing who they report to. Some are lucky and are managed... > professional-email-address

How to get a professional email address that matches your company brand

In today’s business world there’s one form of communication that surpasses phone calls, face to face meetings, instant messaging, and traditional mail — it’s email! Email is how just a...