Page 6 of 68 results for Testimonials > freelance-marketing

How to Launch Your Freelance Marketing Career in 9 Easy Steps

Marketing, defined as “the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising,” is a booming industry and can be a lucrative career path in... > thank-you-for-your-business

10 Best Ways to Say “Thank You For Your Business”

Your customers are the lifeblood of your business. They are your most vital asset and the reason you exist. So how do you say “thank you for your business” in a meaningful way? In this art... > how-to-write-a-proposal

How to Write a Proposal in 10 Quick (& Easy) Steps

Knowing how to write a proposal may seem intimidating. You’re asking someone who doesn’t know you personally to choose you or your business. By definition, submitting a proposal can feel like a ga... > linkedin-profinder

The LinkedIn ProFinder Guide to Get More Clients

LinkedIn ProFinder makes finding good matches between freelancers and clients easier than ever before. In this article, let’s look at how both the employer and the freelancer can use the platform to... > website-proposal-template

A Website Proposal Template That Will Impress Your Clients

Experience and a killer portfolio aren’t always enough to land you a design job. Before clients hire you, they want to know what you have in mind for their websites, how you’ll accomplish ... > freelance-project-management

Become A Freelance Project Management Master with these Top Tools and Job Sites

Freelance project management has made it possible for a lot of project managers all over the world to be their own bosses and enjoy more work flexibility. In this blog post, we’ll be talking about h... > how-to-get-freelance-clients

How to Get Freelance Clients (7 Ideas That Work in 2023)

Learning how to get freelance clients on a regular basis can be tough. As a freelancer, you’re kind of in it on your own. Yes, you have wonderful community support from organizations online and loca... > workflow-software

Top 10 Freelance Workflow Software to Do More With Less Time

As a freelancer, every hour of your time counts. One of the best investments you can make is to keep your daily workflow up-to-date with workflow software to save time doing repetitive tasks in a more... > freelancer-wordpress-theme

24 Freelancer WordPress Themes to Make Your Website Stand Out

A freelancer WordPress theme can be a lifesaver for a new freelancer who needs a professional website. Let’s be honest: it’s hard being a freelancer. Getting your business noticed and off the grou... > 10-steps-to-becoming-a-successful-freelance-designer

10 Steps to Becoming a Successful Freelance Designer in 2024

Becoming a freelance graphic designer is no easy task—but it’s completely worth the effort. Of course you could just stay at your desk, hating your job forever. Or, you could take my advice below ...